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I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:47 pm
by dubiousdisc
I forgot to introduce myself!
This actually happens a lot to me...

My internet name is dubiousdisc for a long series of boring reasons. I'm 22 years old and I live in blissful loneliness in a small apartment that I made to look like a cyberpunk nuclear bunker in Milan, Italy. One month ago, I graduated in Illustration; in my other life, I make illustrated books and graphic novels. At this particular time, I'm working with an editor for the publication of one of these books, taking all the jobs I can, setting up my portfolio and seeing to publish the graphic novel I just finished to write while starting the next.

When I'm not making things myself, I'm devouring the creations of other people. Comics, music, movies, games - you name it, and I've tried to eat it...and if I haven't, it's just because I've yet to bite it. This is why I make fansites on top of all of this: when it comes to other people's creations, I love to tinker with them and pull them apart, and I live for the moment when I encounter a brilliant concept. The results of these explorations are found on my collective,

Since I know that all of this is very boring, I will present you with five possibly amusing facts about myself:
1. When I'm drawing, I forget to eat, drink, go to the bathroom and sleep. A dangerous habit that has given me a lot of troubles. After an unpleasant trip to the hospital, I am now more careful about the drinking and going to the bathroom part, but I still end up realizing that I've been going for several days without food more than I'd like...
2. I am very predictable in terms of what characters I end up liking and why. It is entirely possible to make a chart sorting my favorite characters in a few major archetypes and then in minor ones.
3. Although my job has to do with visual arts, I am almost legally blind. I even shower with my glasses on.
4. I consider any temperature above the freezing point to be perfectly reasonable to wear t-shirts. Below the freezing point, I wear a t-shirt with a cotton jacket over it. My friends think that there must be a penguin somewhere in my family tree.
5. I only wear black. A lot of these black things are also leather. A lot of these leather things look like they were stolen from a s/m dungeon.

...Hello everyone!

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:53 pm
by Saya
Nice to have you around and looking forward working with you!

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:53 pm
by Todd
lol Welcome dubious! I went through a period where I only wore black. That's funny.

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:15 pm
by Mikari
Welcome! :D

wow you're resistant to the cold... I'm the opposite, high temperatures don't bother me but I get cold easily.

sleep is overrated anyway :P

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:46 pm
by dubiousdisc
Well, from March onwards I'm permanaked D: no heat on me pleeease

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:45 pm
by Sarah
Hey dubious! I've always been fond of your name. Dubious is such a fun word, hehe. ANYWAY.

I'm really looking forward to your Beelzemon shrine. :D I loved Tamers and basically any Digimon shrine would rock my socks. All of your current sites are great, too. Whenever I visit Spark Needle I can't get over all the information and goodies there.

Looking forward to working with you! :heh:

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:15 pm
by Aku
Hey dd! :D

I would really love to see photos of you in black s&m leather in your cyberpunk nuclear bunker, lol. #creep But mostly the cyberpunk nuclear bunker. Really.

Best of luck with your illustration/graphic novel stuff! I want to check out your novel for sure when it's completed, maybe even buy a copy? *_* I am really envious, because I always wanted to work in illustration/animation, but I wasn't confident in my drawing skills to really pursue it in college lol.

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:50 pm
by Destinie
DANG! You have no idea how many times I've wished that I could go without sleeping or eating because I would get so much artwork done! (Sad thing is, I love sleep too much! Only in reasonable amounts, that is.) And...welcome!

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:47 pm
by Kibumie
Hi Dubiousdisc,

Cyberpunk is cool! Good luck with your graphic novels and illustrations. Let me know when you finish it, I most definitely would like to read it *U*

haha. I can relate with being predictable with characters to like. I'm also 99% open book when it comes to character and even series.

Re: I guess I forgot

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:31 am
by dubiousdisc
Sarah - Part of the reason why is that the word amuses me too. XD
I hope I can do him justice! He's such a complex character and I'll probably take my good time with him.

Aku - *hides in the washing machine, eyes staring from the darkness* No but seriously, you'd love it. XD The floor is covered in all types of wires and it's basically a bunch of electronics crammed into the same room with a bed in the corner. Cool to look at it. Hell to clean the floor.
Re: the books, ah, uh, one of them is actually completed, but right now I come from a month of my parents passing the book prototype to the entire extended family and their acquaintances like a calumet of embarrassment and the topic was rather "heavy" too so right now I guess I'll have to wait a few weeks before I'll be able to look at it again XD
But you shouldn't have worried about not being able to draw if you wanted to do this. I know plenty of people who would draw like shit, but are good with colors, or have an excellent sense of composition, or just have good ideas, and so they work with styles in which it doesn't matter if they can't have amazing flowing lines because they make other things. Now, the "happy hand", as they call it, is not as common as you'd think in this field. I've been told that it is my strength and that it is precious because it has become a rare skill, but I know plenty of people who do just fine without it. And in either case, practice makes perfect and all that, so the idea would be to draw until your arms divorce you. XD

Destinie - I love it too! But when I'm working I just forget. Then when I stop for as long as a minute, it all falls back on my head. XD

Kibumie - certainly :D
Let's make CHARTS!