Cradle and Rupture - Fuyumine Naoto (Dogs)

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Cradle and Rupture - Fuyumine Naoto (Dogs)

Post by Andrea »

Hello! This is Cradle and Rupture, my shrine for Fuyumine Naoto from Dogs/Dogs: Bullets & Carnage.

I created this shrine way back when in October 2007 under a different name. It's my first anime/manga fanlisting and one of my first—if not, definitely my first—shrine ever. I revamped it once in 2009, but I neglected it a lot over the next few years due to school/work and, perhaps later, out of embarrassment, ahem.

I entered the site into the Shrine Revamp event, but I ended up not plugging it because of a posting... malfunction... thing. ANYWAYS, during the event, I renamed it, gave it a fresh new layout, rewrote some content, wrote some new content and remade the gallery (no more Photobucket, rejoice!). I had to scrap the CSS completely since the code was incredibly outdated and was very, er, poorly done... shall we say... (But if it looks like I gave up halfway through the layout it's because I totally did; I just wanted a big spacious layout, tbh...) I think the only thing I really kept as is are the 100x100 icons, haha. Little relics of the past, I guess!
  • I would like to make the navigation pages, specifically "Woman" and "Change," more fancy-schmancy instead of them being what they are at the moment, but it's not really a priority for me right now, beep boop.
  • Quick shout-out to Lethe and Waterbound for inspiring me to use the tooltip and fancyBox for the galleries! Also Lethe helped beta-read some pages, which I'm incredibly thankful for. ;_____;
  • Also kudos to all the cool people who follow me on Twitter and listened to my bemoaning and complaints when revamping this, lmaooo. You all are godly. Just saying.
It still needs a lot of work, though, and I'd like to have it fully complete by the site's 10th birthday (early October 2017). I thought I'd plug it here so YOU ALL CAN GIVE ME THE KICK IN THE BUTT I NEED because I really would love to finish the site as it means a lot to me. Thank you for visiting and for any suggestions you leave! :heart:
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Re: Cradle and Rupture - Fuyumine Naoto (Dogs)

Post by Lethe »




I LOVE THIS LAYOUT SO MUCH, IT'S DROP DEAD GORGEOUS (bias because I adore this illustration). It's just... so appropriate for a Naoto shrine, because it's shrouded in a veil of darkness: the ongoing mysteries in Dogs and the mysteries of Naoto's past. :sob: :sob: :sob: The content area has all the colours I adore. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: /rolls around in fonts

I think I have you, Roax, and the pretty Champion decks to thank for... engaging with Dogs over and over again, since it did take me several tries to appreciate the series. I think my initial experiences with it were very disconnected, checking in and out over the years, and neither understanding the setting nor what exactly was going on. Seeing your "World" page made me realize just how much the setting is part of the story and the mysteries - even if it's difficult to grasp because, as you say, Dogs :eyes: doesn't :eyes: have :eyes: much background art. :eyes: I really love how you broke it into layers... :sob: :sob: The first 1-2 times I read Dogs, it was so difficult to keep track of who was where. :sob: The differently sized images kill me. :sob: :sob: What a nice "tourist guide". :eyes: This page is such a nice intro into everything. :sob:

Your writing and choice of words go so well with the setting and Naoto. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: The caution, the reservedness, the hint of there being more than meets the eye, the quiet speculations, the kind hope regarding Naoto's future... :sob: :sob: :sob: what is English :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: /sobs all over the place

The intro pages on your shrines are always such a joy to read - they're packed with info, and their format makes it so interesting to scroll down to see what else pops up! Actually, let me correct that: This applies to a lot of your pages and shrines in general... I am always so entertained when scrolling down due to the variety of content - unexpected content at that - within any given page. It's probably what I love most about your shrines, and the way you engage with the things you love: the connections that you weave and the way you group them in order to examine them... It's really impressive, and shows just how much time you've spent thinking about the source material.

Further live reactions while rereading:
  • I like your subnavigations as they are, actually...!! Maybe I'm just used to it because I enjoyed this simple presentation on Easy Breezy too haha. ALL THE BEAUTIFUL WORDS AND QUOTES FROM DOGS DIRECTLY. T_T (I loved the "abandoned by angels" and "a wound that nobody shares" splashes in the manga. T_T)
  • It's so lovely that you started the preface page with a group shot, then extracted profile icons from that group shot hehe!!
  • I really appreciate how much space you spend analyzing and pointing out details in other appearances of Naoto's outside of the manga. Usually, these receive a side mention on, say, Wiki profile pages... But to see someone examine them this closely is such a joy. The effort you put into the side-by-side comparison of the fight scenes in the OVA <-> manga, and then again with the various non-textual parallels in "Black Mind" makes me go asdjklajdald. Really really shows your love.
  • THE MINI GALLERIES AND THE DIFFERENT WAYS THEY ARE UTILIZED ON THIS SHRINE KILL ME (gosh the art evolution on the "Black Mind" page :heart: and I've already word vomited at you over "Appearance" :eyes: all my dreams coming true :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: ) (I KNOW YOU JUST WANTED TO SPAM NAOTO ART ALL OVER THE SITE)
  • Again, lots of respect for you for writing the "Scars" page. :heart: All the sections on this shrine concerning Naoto's identity are written with so much care and tenderness...
  • THE MUSIC AND THE POETRY. You know that this is one of my favourite shrine titles. :sob:
  • Naoto's back shot on the Website page IS THE BEST. :heart: I love you. :heart:
LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING THE REST OF THE SHRINE AND THE GALLERY. And more of your interesting take on relationship pages, totally making up for the lack of Dogs fansites out there. :heart: :heart: HEINE. NILL. AAAAAAAAHHH GIMME.

Here are some mistakes I've found:
- The series is currently on hiatus with 101 chapters, not including that of the prequel. -> not including those
- Naoto Fuyumine, a swordswoman and HEINE RAMMSTEINER -> Naoto Fuyumine, a swordswoman, and

- a string of kidnappings were reported -> was
- travel between the surface and the lower strata are facilitated -> is facilitated

- The scenes that are shown during her revelation are ones that is already knowledgeable of. -> that she is
- Einstürzen ascends from the underground, her younger clone visiting the church to presumably to take LUKI and NOKI back "home." -> visiting the church presumably to
- Einstürzen threatens violence -> threatens with

- her actions in the end of the one-shot was what really struck me -> her actions [..] were what
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Re: Cradle and Rupture - Fuyumine Naoto (Dogs)

Post by Robin »

WELL DONE! Because I have no knowledge of this series, your site is very informative and gives me a great sense of all the story and setting as well as sketching Naoto in such detail. And this layout is fantastic--all the dark shades with the smoky pretty patterning <3

I know this has been a HUGE labor of love, but it has paid off--now go rest on your laurels for a bit!! :D :D
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Re: Cradle and Rupture - Fuyumine Naoto (Dogs)

Post by Todd »

I am not familiar with the subject, but your layout is gorgeous! I love the mood, and how it takes up the whole screen. <3 The Preface was informative and interesting! I like how you set everything up!
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