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Name meme

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:41 pm
by dubiousdisc
A meme about the names picked for your stuff!

Your collective:
  • What is your current collective named after?
  • If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change?
  • If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after?
Your fansites:
  • What are your fansites named after?
  • Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why?
  • Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online?
And more:
  • How do you tend to pick names for your sites?
  • Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites?
  • Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like?
(If you have already written down this type of information on your about pages and don't have anything to add to that, feel free to copypaste!)

Re: Name meme

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:48 pm
by Mikari
Your collective:

* What is your current collective named after?

Fantasy Bit The first part is a reference to Final Fantasy VII and the high fantasy (fully fictional world) genre in general, such as it is with Slayers and many others. The second word is a reference to my liking for pixel with "bit" being used to mean small as pixel sprites usually are. It also refers to the bits in a byte to reflect my love for technology, the internet and digital things.

* If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change?

"A Bit of Fantasy" felt too long. Before that I had "Chibi Silver Star" and even earlier the short lived "Summer Sapphires." But I made A Bit of Fantasy from scratch all over again so they can't be called the same site with a new name.

* If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after?

I don't have one though I kind of want one.

Your fansites:

* What are your fansites named after?

Golden Phoenix - an acrobatic move Layla does, her hair and her role in the OVA that features her.

Surreptitious - a word with a definition that fits. I explained it on the site: Surreptitious refers to something clandestine or secret, a misrepresentation of the truth... I think it fits given the fact that basically the whole main city remained ignorant of the truth for most of the game. There's also a lot of secrecy floating around the plot, you'll get what I mean after you've become familiar with the story.

Way Cool - As for this site's name, I think it fits Boshi's image with his "cool" sunglasses and rocker spiky accessories. "Way Cool" is also the name of one of the stages in Super Mario World, in the Special World. This world can be reached via the Star World and features some of the most challenging stages of the game. The "Way Cool" stage has a ? box with a green yoshi and later there is another ? box with yoshi wings, which can change the green yoshi into a blue one. SMW didn't have Boshi in it as only Super Mario RPG did, but it was the first game to introduce yoshis to the SNES and the stage does have a blue yoshi in it.

* Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why?

Surreptitious used to be Jade Shadow, which didn't seem very original and didn't feel like it fit with anything except dark green layouts.

* Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online?

Not that I can remember.

And more:

* How do you tend to pick names for your sites?

Something that fits the character, is short and sounds catchy.

* Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites?

The names only have one or two words and there seems to be a lot of colors. Counting non-shrines I have golden, indigo, azure, silver and red as part of my sites' names. Add black to the list if you count team fansites.

* Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like?

Too many to list ^^;;

Re: Name meme

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:01 am
by Todd
Your collective:

What is your current collective named after? One of Tidus' weapons, but there are Nighbringers in several sci-fi/horror series/games/comics.

If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change? It used to be, but it still was called the Nightbringer Network. I let Dragonzord expire because I wanted a name that wasn't so fandomy. Nightbringer relates to my fandoms, but it also looks and sounds cool on its own.

If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after? Since my network has always been called the Nightbringer Network, I didn't give it a subtitle when I got Still called the Nightbringer Network.

Your fansites:

What are your fansites named after? 1) "Breathe" is from a quote in Ever After. 2) "Somewhere Only We Know" is a song whose lyrics relate to Sabin. 3) "This Fateful Hour" was from a poem by Madeleine L'Engle in her Time Quintet. I like how the name comes from the Time books, and Chrono Trigger has a huge time theme. 4) "Ripples" is a chapter title in one of the mangas. 5) "Poltergeist" was named by Aeryvae. When I was trying to think of a title for my Tidus site years ago, she told me she always thought of Tidus as an unruly Poltergeist causing havoc in a world not his own. I liked it a lot. 6) "Requiem" is one of Edward's bard songs, and also happens to be a song of death. His character spends a lot of time focusing on dead people.

Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why? Yes. Somewhere Only We Know used to be called Wanderer. I remade the site, so I decided to give it a new name.

Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online? Poltergeist was called Opus before it went up.

And more:

How do you tend to pick names for your sites? As you can see above, it's completely random. Song lyrics, chapter titles, weapon or attack names... Poems from unrelated mediums lol.

Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites? My site titles are kind of dark in nature, but so are the subjects of my sites, so...

Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like? Spark Needle, Trust Your Heart, Oh So Modern Jezebel, and Fire Carves Scars stand out.

Re: Name meme

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:34 am
by Sarah
Your collective:
What is your current collective named after? My domain's name came from the song "Oh My Darling, Clementine". Mainly it derived from my love of terms of endearment, especially "darling".
If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change? It's always been However, before I had that, I had a fanlisting collective named Darling. So that actually helped me when I was deciding on a domain name.
If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after? I don't have one of those. I've never been able to think of one, nor have I ever really wanted one.

Your fansites:
What are your fansites named after? Usually quotes. Other times I try to think of wordplays or things that relate to the character/subject.
Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why? Yes, Dynamic Family used to be Save the Day. When I expanded the fanlisting to a fanlisting-fansite combo, as well as gave it a new look, I thought a name change would be nice. I also felt that Dynamic Family suited the subject quite well, and was more of my own. (Save the Day was taken from a poster for The Incredibles.)
Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online? I had referred to Ramen & Miniskirts as 1000 Cranes before I finally decided on the former.

And more:
How do you tend to pick names for your sites? Well, I try to think of titles that fit the subject and also sound nice, maybe a quote or a characteristic fitting to the subject. It can be a real pain to come up with something that is truly satisfying. :ack2:
Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites? Hm, not really.
Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like? Somewhere Only We Know (love that song :heart:), Redhead Dancing Girl, Modest Mouser, Woodsiren

Re: Name meme

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:53 am
by Destinie
Your collective:

* What is your current collective named after? Umm, I don't really know! I just liked the way it sounded and I wanted something a little more cutesy. Plus, I was reading a lot of Shoujo at the time I came up with it! ^^;

* If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change? It used to be "Little Wonders" based off the Rob Thomas song from Meet the Robinsons. I had difficulty coming up with something but I really like that song and felt like it was nice for my collective. Ah, but then I kind of wanted a change after I found someone else made a collective with the same title. (It was made after mine, but I am still weird about having the same name as something else. Haha...)

* If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after? don't have one. ^^;

Your fansites:

* What are your fansites named after? Words that I feel describe the character is some way.

* Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why? Not really, but I have been thinking about renaming Modest Mouser to something else. Not sure if I will, though. It was difficult to come up with a name in the first place.

* Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online? Hmm, Maybe "The Godfather" had a different name. I had a list of titles I was playing with before I opened it. I took a poll to help me choose, haha!

And more:

* How do you tend to pick names for your sites? I let names come to me! >:3

* Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites? I am partial to one-word names. They are easy to remember and make into buttons. :D

* Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like? I liked Samantha's title of "Polaris" before she changed it. XD I thought it had a really nice ring to it and it was unique. The current name is nice, too! I like when people use unique words to describe the character in the title. I think Todd's Poltergeist is a good example of what I mean. ;)

Re: Name meme

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:01 pm
by Puppeteer
Your collective:
What is your current collective named after? Fukanzen is a Japanese word connoting "imperfect" or "incomplete". I threw around some concepts for my domain and basically just dictionary-d until I found a word that sounded nice hahaha.

If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change? Officially I've always had Fukanzen, but back when I was still thinking up names I threw around other Japanese words that mostly had to do with the idea of fate. I think at the time I liked the sounds of those words ("unmei" and "matsuro") and their meanings, but in the end felt that Fukanzen fit better for the purpose.

If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after? "Missing Peace" Network was my attempt at being clever and using a double entendre. That is, if heard aloud it could be either "Missing Piece" or "Missing Peace", both of which relate back to the incompleteness suggested by the word Fukanzen. As I say on my own domain, I tend to like the darker or nearly tragic types of characters, so I decided on "Missing Peace" for the written form.

Your fansites:
What are your fansites named after? I'll just list the semi-creative ones lol.
1) Stained White: metaphor for Byakuya's less than immaculate track record as the noble and captain he prides himself in being.

2) Death Grip: References Greed's strong desire to keep what is his, specifically the people he cares about. There are also two key instances in FMA where he literally hangs on to someone for his life.

3) You are Here: a literary apostrophe to Takemoto assuring him that his soul-searching trip was not in vain, and that contrary to his vocalized conclusions, he did find something after all.

Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why? My sites are still in their release versions, so there hasn't been an opportunity to change them. However, if and when I get my Espada fanlisting overhauled, I do want to change that title to something a little more creative.

Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online? When "You are Here" was being planned, as a multi-page back in the day, I had it titled as "Finding Me."

And more:
How do you tend to pick names for your sites? I tend to search for symbolic images or meanings that relate to my subject in an interesting or unique way, usually having to do with why I like them so much.It's quite an abstract process, lol.

Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites? I don't really have enough to call it a pattern, but 2/3 of my shrines have the adjective-noun thing going.

Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like? It's too hard for me to settle on specifics, but I do enjoy names that are fun to say or are unique words.

Re: Name meme

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:27 pm
by dubiousdisc
Your collective:

What is your current collective named after?
Rigelatin, after the evil aliens of Duke Nukem II. That game is a huge piece of my childhood, so I picked something related to it because there is no way I could ever fall out of love with a game that I've been replaying for the last fifteen years. These aliens are also named after the star Rigel, which also happens to be my favorite star and links back to astronomy, which is another big interest of mine. It is both a fandom and not fandom name!

If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change?
It used to be called Blind Dreaming. I don't remember why I picked that, but after a while it sounded too...mystical in a wrong way for me, so I moved to something more fun.

If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after?
I unofficially refer to it as "the angry aliens network" because of the reasons before.

Your fansites:

What are your fansites named after?
- Dark Claws: straightforward, Sneasel's primary feature are its claws and its typing.

- Spark Needle: spark as in both the electric and the fire spark (the elements Volkner and Flint are related to), needle because of the nature of their relationship, how they poke fun at each other, how they bother each other and how they are still very attached to each other in spite of everything. The name also refers to a motor part that's related to ignition, which happens to be the fandom name of the shipping.

- Lithovore: it refers to a creature that eats rocks, which is what Sableye does.

- Anger: Malice's character is mostly defined by her emotional turmoil. At one point in the game, the other characters can sense her through her intense rage.

- Cyberpunk: straightforward again, the game itself refers to Anarki as "the quintessential cyberpunk". The long version of the name is actually just for making the site navigation look cool and it sounds fun, haha.

- I AMĀ²: Ai's name is read as "I". She has existed at least twice, but she has probably existed more times than that, and she exists as much more than just herself. As a whole, the name refers to the most important point about her character - the fact that she is alive.

Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why?
Never did that.

Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online?
Before working on it, Anger was unofficially called Antiangel. Spark Needle was just Spark. Rigelatin itself was almost named Quad Damage after the Quake powerup, but the name was taken, prompting me to think about it some more and eventually settling on the final name.

And more:

How do you tend to pick names for your sites?
I actually spend a lot of time thinking about names. I try to look for something that fully defines the subject matter and is related to the general tone of the site.

Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites?
My earlier sites used to have names made up of two words. Now, I tend to go for a single word.

Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like?
Some of my favorite names around here are...Asunder, Oh So Modern Jezebel, Ripples, Fire Carves Scars.

Re: Name meme

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:05 am
by Vii
Your collective:

What is your current collective named after? comes from several songs by some of my favorite bands, mostly from Rentrer en Soi. It succeeded, named after a Pierrot song, when it was forcibly shut down due to the host crashing. I wanted a similar "sound" when choosing a new domain name.
If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change? Oh god, I've had a lot. Let's see, before jinkaku was genkaku. I had too, named after Hiei from YYH's attack "Jaou Ensatsu Kokuryuuha" which is something like "Demon Killing Black Dragon." That one went down in flames with, though I would very much love to own that domain name again. I had at one point, as well as my first two domains, and They all have tragic stories with them :(
If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after? I call my collective the Dynamism Network (though I'm thinking of changing it to the Mushroom Cloud Organization since adding to the network) because "jinkaku" translates to "personality" which are the "dynamics" of a human being. So it's very loosely based off of that. I just like explosions.

Your fansites:

What are your fansites named after?
Nephologic, my Hibari site, is named after Hibari's role as the Vongola's Cloud Guardian and how his personality is comparable to the clouds. It's technically not a word without an "al" at the end of it, but I think this sound like it has more attitude!
Hailstorm stems from Hitsugaya's power of ice (hail) and his passionate personality, his inner turmoil, and all of the chaos he has to face throughout the series (storm).
Firebrand was a combination of Lavi's usually firey personality and his affinity for using his fire seal to attack enemies more than any other seal he has.
burn&rave comes from one of Zell's Limit Break attacks called Burning Rave.
Reticentia is the origin of the word reticent, which means silence. I thought it was fitting since Fran is rather silent about her past and her feelings, giving her an air of mystery.
Featherdance is a Flying-type move used by some Pokemon that I felt sounded traditional and perfect for Falkner.

As for future fansites/projects in the works;
Airwing is Hope's first weapon in FFXIII. And it fits my trend of using somewhat long one word names for fansites xD
syn*chronize fits the Hitachiin twins because of their synchronization as identical twins. I separated "syn" with the asterisk because of their "sin"ful relationship xD
Maelstrom comes less from his personality (although it would be fitting for his Black side) and more from the absolute chaos surrounding him and the problems he has to face.
Tremouille comes from the same concept as above, except it is the French origin word for "turmoil." I felt it was somewhat more feminine than the word turmoil itself which, to me, fits Hisoka.
Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why? I recently changed my Hitsugaya fansites name from Glacial Doll to Hailstorm. I felt that Glacial Doll, while appropriate, was too feminine, and I like having one word fansite names :x
Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online? Though syn*chronize is not online yet, I was going to call it re*mixx. Also, Nephologic was called Wild Card for a long time but I changed it shortly after the site going live.

And more:

How do you tend to pick names for your sites? I usually try to name a site based loosely on something that relates to the character. I play around with a lot of names before settling on one that "sounds" right raher than what fits the best xD;
Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites? I usually use names that are one slightly long word that is a combination of two words xD I like to use origin words as well, and I have this weird habit of putting unusual characters into my website's names such as ampersands and asterisks and periods. You know, characters that don't necessarily belong in website titles xD
Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like? Oh, I love, and as collective names. They fit my naming habits xD I also am rather jealous of the domain because no matter what subdomain is created, it's subject is licious xD

As for fansite names I love, I'd have to go with Smoke & Mirrors, Rainshine, After Storm, Skydancer, and Libertine for starters, though there's like a thousand more. I also greatly adore Captain of Division Awesome xD

Re: Name meme

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:12 pm
by Michelle
Your collective:
  • What is your current collective named after? The Sun Cryst, from FFXII (one of my favoritest games ever). I adore the name; it relates to an amazing game and I think it sounds pretty on its own, too.
  • If your collective used to have a different name, why did you pick the previous name(s) and why did you change? I used to own, named after a move in Super Smash Bros. It was my first domain name and the name just kinda stuck with me after I brainstormed it, plus I love SSB. It changed because I lost the domain after a mess with my former host. Which is fine, it was time to move on.
  • If you have any sort of collective subtitle, what is it named after? The Baroque Storm Network, named after a move in Soul Calibur II that I thought sounded pretty. It's kinda silly so I'm phasing it out lol.

Your fansites:
  • What are your fansites named after? Oooh boy:
    Ruin - named for the Raine's love of ruins and history and also related to her breakdown as a character. I looove the name, it's simple and powerful.

    Catalyst - has to do with Jade's status as a catalyst for the conflict in the game, also relates to him being a scientist. And his love of stirring shit up >:3.

    Aurora - FFXII has a lot to do with celestial themes, so it partially relates to that (Ashe has a character arc with the 'Dawn Shard,' for example). And Ashe is responsible for bringing about a change, the dawn of something new. Plus it sounds pretty!

    Smoke & Mirrors - named after a song lyric. Relates to Aizen as a master of illusion and generally being a sneaky bastard. I love this name.

    Emissary - named after Sheena's status as an emissary between worlds, kingdoms, etc. I just like how it sounds.

    O Fortuna - named after the song 'O Fortuna' from the Carmina Burana, obvs. Anise's character has a lot to do with luck and fortune, so the name was perfect. Plus I can scatter opera lyrics all over the site!
  • Have you ever changed the name of a fansite? If yes, why? My Jade site was named 'Element' when it first opened. I never really liked the name, it was kind of vague and boring. I opened the site without a name I loved because I started writing and building it before I could think of a good name. It was just kind of called "Jade Shrine' while I worked on it, and I needed an actual name before I opened it hahaha. But I love the name I changed it to, even if it can be a pain to change site names.
  • Did any of your fansites have some sort of "beta name" that was changed before the site went online? Smoke & Mirrors was 'Stand on the Sky,' a quote from the manga. I realllly didn't like the name, but thankfully I found the perfect one before I opened the site.
And more:
  • How do you tend to pick names for your sites? Song lyrics, quotes from the game, or just good descriptors of the characters. I like to pick names that reflect the aspects of the characters that I love/find most interesting.
  • Can you see some sort of naming pattern with your sites? Not really. I guess I like shorter/concise names, though. Most of my upcoming sites are named after songs/song lyrics, though.
  • Can you name some fansites or collectives whose names you like? Oh So Modern Jezebel, Fair Verona, Diva May Cry, Nocturne, Glass Martyr, Double Negative, Will, Lightbringer, Rico Suave, The Seventh, Elegy, Modest Mouser

Re: Name meme

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:24 pm
by Destinie
I think it's really cool that a couple people have said they liked the name "Modest Mouser". I guess I won't be changing it. XD;;