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Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:04 pm
by Yuzuki
Thank you so so much, glad you like it! I wish my Inuyasha site was organized as well, its long overdo a makeover. Indeed I'm stuck in the 90's/00's manga bubble. I totally understand what you mean by some of Watase's series not living up to the level of background and detail of Fushiyuu, maybe you may like Genbu Kaiden which is set on the same world. She has some cool one shot stories as well.
I would love any recommendation! I really love anime and manga and its rare for me not to be able to read something. The only serie that I hated was Hana Yori Dango, since the extreme bullying put me off.

Your Heartilly domain is amazing, the Final Fantasy series has always have a special place in my heart since I first played FF as a kid. [My collective domain name is actually inspired on FF8] Your white mage fav icon is adorable and your DAI shrine is very informative.

I love Hikitsu and Tomite :3. Uruki is alright but, totally not fair he gets to change genders! Give Nuriko that power dammit! I actually put Uruki on the splash page because I usually use my favorite characters for designs instead of the main lead (such as making Sesshoumaru layouts for my Inuyasha domain), so I was trying to give him a place up there before he probably gets kicked out on the actually site design.

If I'm honest I have always liked Suzaku/Byakko teams, and when I heard about Genbu Kaiden I was disappointed it wasn't Byakko Kaiden. [When I checked my Seishi years ago, I was actually born under Byakko, so thats probably the reason, I must be loyal to my constellation!] But when I read GK is actually great so now I'm glad. [Additional note: I harassed by sister to code me script to tell people their shuku when they enter they birthday which I will add to my website soon]

Aww I'm sorry to hear about your Tama shrine. I was sure your domain sounded familiar, I probably did visit it before! Please bring the shrine back so we can exchange links! >.< Most FY sites are dead, everytime I update my link page is to remove yet another dead page.

Thanks, luckily no one was home. I'm mostly bummed about losing over 10 years of family and travel pictures. Even the lost websites/files/old site version don't hurt me as much as that.
Really really really lovely illustrations. I want a lucky cat just like that.

Thanks a lot Snow! I really like the red tones on your Guardian site, and how informative it was, specially the part about "Real life" info and your Cloud character study shrine. Write my character profiles for me! I keep putting that off cause I'm lazy. (u.u)

xxxHolic is great!!! What game did you buy?

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:56 pm
by Sarah
Yuzuki wrote:@Sarah
Thanks for the warm welcome and kind comments. You have a Joel shrine, fangirling right now! (●♡∀♡) Beautiful layout, I adore the little crown you added to his head. I religiously watch the Soup each week. I used to miss John Henson from Talk Soup when he left, but when they updated the show and added Joel, I started watching again.
You.. like Joel McHale? I think I could cry. :sob: It's great to meet another fan of his, and I too religiously watch The Soup. (I guess that's a given, though.) And thanks so much for the comments on my site, I really appreciate it. :heart: Unfortunately I can't take credit for the crown, it's actually on his head in the picture! But I'd like to think I would be smart enough to edit one on there if weren't there already, lol. It just works so well with the site's title.

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:39 am
by Yuzuki
Yes indeed the crowned look goes well with the title! If I may be so bold to do a recommendation, maybe adding a relationship part on the info? With details about Joel's deep relationship with Mankini and Lou. Half-kidding here.

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:30 am
by Elysa
Hi Yuzuki, a belated welcome to Amassment! I hope you enjoy your stay here~ >w< Your Fushigi Yuugi site looks amazing, and congratulations on the long milestone of 10 years!! I have to admit I like Genbu Kaiden better than the original, but I really should reread FY one of these days, haha. (Also that said, it should be obvious I'm looking forward to your GK site... *_*)

Your personal domain sounds so pretty too~ And eeee, super excited about your Hunter x Hunter project!! I've been planning one too, but I work super slowly and I tend to take forever to actually get sites up, ahaha... :bleh: I wonder if I'll actually get to it one day, since I have a lot of subjects I want to make sites for :swt:

Also, is your alias by any chance inspired from Chobits' Yuzuki? I've always thought that was a lovely name~ :yay:

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:26 am
by Yuzuki

Thank you for welcoming me, indeed I am enjoying my stay here so far! ^_^ Thanks, I'm glad you my FY site and hopefully I can make a good sites for GK and HxH in the future.

Yea, I'm re-reading FY as well when I need to add info since its been sooooo long since I first read it some details get fuzzy. I have also listened to all my FY CDs again when working on my discography/lyrics pages.

I definitively know what you mean about taking forever to open sites! I'm super slow as well.

Yes, I remember Yuzuki from Chobits, but that wasn't the reason for my nick. It came to be on a day I was making yet another character for Ragnarok Online and all my regular nicknames were taken (a regular occurrence in online gaming)! I used to have a text file on my old computer, in which I saved cool names I heard. I ran through the list and they were all taken! So I went to a baby names website and picked the name with the meaning I liked best and was available.

Your domain name is great too! And I love your Cheerful Sensibility, informative and cute and the colors go so well with Momiji. Are you by any chance a FTIsland fan?

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:37 am
by SnowRayjah
Yuzuki wrote:@Snow
Thanks a lot Snow! I really like the red tones on your Guardian site, and how informative it was, specially the part about "Real life" info and your Cloud character study shrine. Write my character profiles for me! I keep putting that off cause I'm lazy. (u.u)
You are most welcome! Thank you very much for the compliments. ;w; Haha, if I could write your character profiles I would! Unfortunately I have little knowledge in FY to do so. I also lack time so I'd update slower than a turtle.

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:08 am
by Yuzuki
"Slower than a turtle" should be my middle name. XD

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:35 am
by SnowRayjah
Yuzuki, I chuckled and everyone looked at me like I was crazy! XD Thank you for that.

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:51 pm
by Cherri
@Yuzuki: I got Code of Princess for the 3DS. ^-^ I haven't played it yet as I'm playing pokemon black 2. Also good luck with your character profiles.

@Snow: You are crazy, so deal with it. :heart:

Re: So I ended up here ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:16 pm
by Yuzuki
Awesome! :P

Hehehe, I heard CoP was good, but never played it. Good luck on PokeBlack! :3