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Re: Moonrise - Lunafreya (FFXV)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:48 pm
by Larissa
Sorry for the late response - life stuff has kept me away.

@Samantha: Thank you! I'm glad you like my writing style. Luna was the main reason I was interested in the game too, and my frustration with how she was handled is pretty much what spurred this site, haha.

@dubs: Thanks :heart: I have always been big on being able to write critically about even the things you really like, and this site was very much an exercise in that, haha. Reading back through the site now after a couple weeks, I'm pretty happy with how it came out.

@Rems: :heart: :star: :heart: Thank yooou. That was definitely the symbolism I was going for, haha! Now finish the game so you can read it ;)

@Stefi: Thank you! This was a site where I knew I couldn't just talk about the character; I had to provide context and go from there. I'm glad it came out well :heart: I'm also super glad you liked the Noctis page! I found the romance to be pretty lacking myself, honestly, but that made it interesting to analyze.

I don't even know what they were thinking with Ravus, man. Seriously, WTF.

Thank you all so much :heart: :star: :heart: :!:

Re: Moonrise - Lunafreya (FFXV)

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 6:59 am
by Emma
I know I already said this to you, but I love this. The layout is gorgeous. And I love the styling on the quotes.

It's such a great read – I know I was so let down by how Square-Enix handled her story and the waste of such an interesting character. Reading this is a good way to deal with that, haha. It's weird to like a game SO MUCH and yet dislike so much of what they did with it. You've done such a good job of balancing that, though. Critical but not relentlessly negative, you know? It's a very engaging read. :heart:

Re: Moonrise - Lunafreya (FFXV)

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:10 pm
by nyxmidnight
Reading the introduction of your shrine has given me an idea for a Baby's First Dating Sim In Twine idea, so I'm sorry thank you, Larissa!!!