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Re: Love Live: Aikawa Ryou

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:50 pm
by Emrys
@Masao: Thank you!! I'm glad that you enjoyed the Koyuki section; I couldn't resist writing about her cute little kouhai~

@Stefi: It makes me happy to hear that I've developed a distinctive style! I like the idea that somebody can visit a site and go "This is one of Emrys', isn't it?" /)(>////<)(\ And I definitely didn't know that about the kanji but that's sooooo cool!! *^* Maybe I should add that to the site somehow~~

Re: Love Live: Aikawa Ryou

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:16 am
by Lethe
Congratulations on finishing a new shrine, Emrys!! :D (Yay for starting with a small one, too!) I hope you're proud of yourself, and that you'll make more shrines in the future! It'd be great to see your approach work out. <3

The crowns all over the site are so cute hehe, and the cute emblems on the left fit right in - what an adorable way to integrate a kind of mini gallery! The Ryou/Koyuki relationship is so cute! I love how Koyuki already gets namedropped several times in the quotes that you chose before you actually talk about her on the shrine, gooosh. <3 I've been seeing a bunch of people play Love Live, but don't have any idea about it myself, so it's neat to see a shrine to it!

Re: Love Live: Aikawa Ryou

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:11 pm
by Aku
The layout of this is so cute & ornate, Emrys, it really suits your theme! :music2: As someone who also needs to work on shrines during the "peak" of their obsession, I totally get what you mean. Words just seem to flow easier for me when I'm already thinking about the subject 24/7. :sob:

I really liked reading about your interest in the character--I don't play Love Live and know next to nothing about it, but as someone who is generally not into the cutesy idol-type female characters I can totally see what's drawn you to Ryou! (She looks gorgeous!) I also know how difficult it can be to scrape up enough info for a shrine when it comes to super minor characters (especially from games like these) so I really admire what you've put together here! :3

Awesome work! :heart: I hope that there will be more of her in the future for you to enjoy! :inlove: (And maybe in turn, expand this for the rest of us!)

Re: Love Live: Aikawa Ryou

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:25 pm
by Emrys
@Lethe: I am definitely proud of myself. Nothing motivates more than actually COMPLETING a project, you know? I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, even though you haven't played the game! That makes me feel like Ryou's appeal expands~~ thank you so much!

@Aku: Please do; it is honestly the best choice I ever made. Working on something during my peak obsession has gotten me further in sites than it ever did the old way. IT'S A GREAT METHOD. I'm really glad that Ryou appeals to you ;) She's my dearest idol prince, hehe. I'm glad you enjoyed my tribute, even with it being to a minor character!! I definitely hope to add more to it as more is released about her!

Re: Love Live: Aikawa Ryou

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:55 am
by Chibi
Congrats on finishing this, Emrys!! :D It feels super good to finish something and I know exactly how you feel because I'm not really productive and it takes me ages to finish or even start a shrine...

Anyway, this was lovely! I really like the layout and your writing is great too! Great job! :heart:

Re: Love Live: Aikawa Ryou

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 9:06 pm
by Tara
Oh my god, I love this!! I love Ryou!! I really like how the layout matches the name of the shrine, that's really neat.

I think you did a great job with as little information as you have. I look forward to seeing more Love Live! shrines from you in the future if you so choose. When I get my Honoka shrine finished and uploaded we should definitely affiliate!! :>

Re: Love Live: Aikawa Ryou

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:45 pm
by Megan A
I really, really love the royalty theme you've spread throughout the layout along with the colors and the intricate image borders. THE CROWNS. The elements all just look very sophisticated together which really match your site title. I really like the character's design. She's so cute. *_*

Reading through the shrine was great. I loved seeing your reasons for why you like the character and the screenshots. You did an awesome job pulling what little information is available for a minor character and created a beautiful shrine!