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Re: Non-English Language Shrines

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:04 am
by Chibi
I pretty much quote everything that Dubs said. My first fansites were all in Italian. Back in the 90's and early 2000's, the fannish Italian community was really strong (I remember visiting LOADS of Beyblade sites, those were the good old days! XD), but now it's died out. I really can't find any fannish Italian sites anymore. My fandom Italian friends mainly hang out on tumblr (which I don't use), that's where the community is now. Italian shrines are literally non-existant.

As for whether I'd make a fansite in Italian again... Being bilingual, it wouldn't be hard, but I personally think it'd be a waste of time and effort for me. Since the web designing fannish Italian community is dead, there would be no point in making an Italian version of my fansites. Maybe I'd consider doing it if the subject was originally Italian, but if it wasn't, I wouldn't do it. It takes me a long time just writing a shrine in English (not because of language problems, but because of lack of motivation, free time, etc.), if I had to write the shrine twice it would really never see the light of day. XD; Plus, I feel very comfortable writing in English.

That's just my two cents.