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Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:13 pm
by Robin
Oh, computer games! So many fun times playing some kind of Jeopardy!-ish game--all I remember, though, is typing a bunch of cuss words in the Word Bank for the game >:D

Also, I played the hell out of SimCity after seeing it on the school computers, but I was and still am awful at it. Still love it, though--I now play it through DOSBox. (Remind me never to run for any sort of mayor position. xD)

@Dubs The "OMG videogames corrupt our kids" movement gets some steam up every now and again among the ladies of my Sunday school class--I generally quietly remind them that not every child becomes a serial killer after playing video games, because their mild-mannered Sunday school teacher has been a gamer since the age of 5. ^o^ Always a fun conversation xD

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:59 pm
by Emma
CuriousLittleBird wrote:@Emma: I grew up with a lot of Nintendo as well--I played a Sonic game for the Sega GameGear handheld (also known as "stay 6 inches from an electrical outlet at all times), but I was terrible at it and quit about 5 levels in, if memory serves.

I also have never played a single Zelda game in my life. Just...not sure why. I've seen other people play 'em and I feel like a non-legit 90s child for not playing them; just never felt the need to play 'em. Weird.
HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT SONIC? The GameGear was terrible. I'm not even sure what happened to our one - I know my brother sold the Master System and Mega Drive years ago (the FOOL) but our Game Gear just...disappeared into the ether, which is weird, because I still have our original Gameboy. (And NES, but it doesn't work :( )

We didn't have a computer until I was 15 or 16, so computer games weren't really a part of my childhood. But I got super addicted to Catz and Civilisation II. We had a rota due to fights over the computer.

I LOVED SimCity on the SNES. I've honestly not played another SimCity as much, although the one on Playstation came close. ~reticulating splines~

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:25 pm
by dubiousdisc
Mikari: MANIAC MANSION!!! Maaaaan I love that one :D

Robin: Now I want to know what you did as a mayor. XD I'd always get my money from legalizing gambling and importing trash and making my city be basically the place where all the trash gets recycled and turned into energy (I later learned that the whole trash importing thing is what several Scandinavian countries do for real!).

Hey, I actually think that playing Evil Evil Games might not only be fine, but actually therapeutical for me. Especially fast-paced games such as Quake III or Ninja Gaiden; I am a human ball of energy and even if I run all the time and involve myself in physically exhausting activities, there's simply no way I can express all this energy, and playing games like that give me a valve for my need to do something fast, focused and intense. Especially if I'm angry, all I need to do is put on some loud music and have some split-second game action and I burn the fury away. Surely it's better to expend at least some of this energy indoors and in a completely harmless way than bottle it in and be a walking loose cannon...

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:00 pm
by Robin
dubiousdisc wrote: Robin: Now I want to know what you did as a mayor. XD I'd always get my money from legalizing gambling and importing trash and making my city be basically the place where all the trash gets recycled and turned into energy (I later learned that the whole trash importing thing is what several Scandinavian countries do for real!).
The version of SimCity I played/still play has no options for recycling trash, legalizing gambling, or anything "money-making" as far as I can can build residential, commercial, and industrial zones, plus parks, a stadium, police and fire departments, coal or nuclear power plants, a seaport, and an airport. That's pretty much it, apart from power lines, roads, and train tracks. I still can't figure out how to MAKE money on that game--I just end up with a REALLY COOL city that runs itself into the ground in 10 years, regardless. O.o

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:27 pm
by dubiousdisc
Oohh, so your problems as a mayor have more so to do with the fact that the city flops eventually. XD Hey, at least being a mayor in SimCity means you have a pretty good shot at immortality (300 years with the same mayor?!).

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:12 am
by Robin
LOL, yep! *shiny immortal face* :D

What version of SimCity do you play that gives you those options of legalizing gambling/recycling trash, etc.? I might actually be more successful at that one xD

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:13 pm
by dubiousdisc
SimCity 3000! The one that came out in...ah, 1999? I think that you'd have to order it from somewhere as there doesn't seem to be a digital release though. I would definitely recommend it if you liked the earlier ones, it does have a lot of nice additions compared to the previous ones and it's timeless for how it looks and plays.

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:49 pm
by Robin
COOL! Will try to find it somewheres ^_^

Also, I remembered another old favorite video game from childhood: Diddy Kong Racing. Had a LOT of cool Easter eggs hidden in the "select level" maps, plus you could drive hovercrafts and planes as well as cars...anybody else remember this one? :)

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:10 pm
by Cherri
Growing up I watched my parents play games and then when I was old enough they let me play with my sister and them. Gauntlet, Super Mario Bros, Chrono Trigger (I watched them play this one), Event Horizon (watched my dad play, I'd look out for pirates and remember where ports were for specific items), Donkey Kong Country, Sonic and some others but I don't remember the names. And all of that was before the gameboy and N64. Which later we got our dad playing Pokemon on the gameboy.

Then I played Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Star Fox, Diddy Kong Racing (dad played this too), Super Mario, Legend of Zelda and it just kinda went from there. Mortal Kombat was in there some where. My uncle used to play a lot of games too. As did my grandpa. So I kinda grew up with a lot due to being born into a gamer family.

I've gotten into some new games by making some friends which is awesome. Phantasy Star, Yakuza, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, to name a few.

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:13 pm
by Robin
@Cherri: COOL! Your early video game life was like... "Video Game Classics". :D (Regarding Gauntlet, did you know they've released a new version of Gauntlet on Steam?)

My friends introduced me to the fighting game series, like Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs. Capcom, Street Fighter, etc. (I was already playing Super Smash Bros. though. Pikachu FTW)