Farm Story - Bokujo Monogatari (Harvest Moon) series

From April to the end of December 2016, have courage to start and share your in-progress works! Release your shrines unfinished, and use community enthusiasm and feedback as fuel to keep working on them.
Megan A
Posts: 479
Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:54 am

Re: Farm Story - Bokujo Monogatari (Harvest Moon) series

Post by Megan A »

Thank you, all, so much! I was really struggling with uploading an unfinished site, but I am very happy with what I accomplished so far. I'm excited to finish some more content, especially because of the positive response!

I am also really glad that the button has gotten some specific compliments because I had such a blast making them for this shrine, and they're probably some of my favorite ones that I've made!
Posts: 80
Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:27 am

Re: Farm Story - Bokujo Monogatari (Harvest Moon) series

Post by Kate »

How have I NOT commented on just how ADORABLE this layout and shrine is?? ;;;; I absolutely love the little carrot pixel ahhh!! When you hover over it, it's like it pops out of the ground! IT'S SO CUTE, I can't stop :yay: :yay: I'm so happy to read through your shrine, Farm Story is so cute. I like the way you write too~ everything flows so nicely.
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Re: Farm Story - Bokujo Monogatari (Harvest Moon) series

Post by Masao »

The layout is so soft and cute, and the url is super cute. EVERYTHING IS CUTE.

I know very little about the series, so I'm looking forward to all the content and finding out. An old high school friend was really into the series, so I know some details from her, but it really makes a difference seeing all the different games lined up with basic info and their art.
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Re: Farm Story - Bokujo Monogatari (Harvest Moon) series

Post by Chibi »

OMGGGG THIS IS AMAZING! I love Harvest Moon so much, this site makes me super happy!! I love the layout, it fits perfectly with the series and it's easy on the eyes. I can't wait for more content! :heart:
Megan A
Posts: 479
Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:54 am

Re: Farm Story - Bokujo Monogatari (Harvest Moon) series

Post by Megan A »

Thank you so much, everyone!
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