Windrunner - Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)

From April to the end of December 2016, have courage to start and share your in-progress works! Release your shrines unfinished, and use community enthusiasm and feedback as fuel to keep working on them.
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Re: Windrunner - Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)

Post by Masao »

Ooh I really like how the layout looks. The navigation is especially cool. I like how even though not all the pages are up, you provided a lot of the sitemap for what is to come. I'm really looking forward to "Lament" because yay music and vocals. :music:

Also, just curious if the jquery and lightbox scripts are missing on purpose (to be added later), or they they accidentally got deleted.
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Re: Windrunner - Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)

Post by Laura »

Thanks Masao! :) I was actually coming here to post about what people would like to see me write about next but maybe "Lament" should be the first thing I do since you're excited to read about it. (And the scripts are to be added later. ;D)

That being said, for those of you who are interested in Sylvanas, is there any particular section that you would like me to write about first? I've been neglecting the site for some time now and I think that it'd help me to get a bit more excited about writing if I have a certain aspect about the character to write about if I know that people are interested in learning about something specific. If you're worried about spoilers, feel free to PM me or message me on Discord. You can't spoil me since i'm caught up in the game, but I understand if you don't want to spoil anyone else in the forum. ;) (The offer is open to people who know nothing about Sylvanas as well! <3)
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Re: Windrunner - Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)

Post by Lethe »

As someone who doesn't know WoW, I'd love to see any of the following because I think they give a good first impression of any character:
  • Sylvanas: Profile
  • Ranger-General: Windrunners (JUST BEAUTIFUL WORD OK)
  • HotS: Skins, Quotes
  • Supplemental: Lament, Quotes, Models
I just like browsing these kind of pages ok. :swt2: :heh: :yay: :music2:
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Re: Windrunner - Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)

Post by Jae »

Seconding Lethe on pages I would love to read, though down to read whatever you add next. I hear this character's name all the time, and I'm pretty excited that maybe I'll learn a thing or two!

This layout is so beautiful. You've used an interesting combination of colors and they look amazing together! It's also super cool to see a design with wide margins - it gives me a sense of openness when I look at the "races" page and get to scroll down and see how much there is to cover (you are definitely not holding anything back), especially given that WoW seems to have an extensive lore.

I have a feeling that Banshee Queen will be full of fascinating info . . . Can't wait to see what you write up next!
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Re: Windrunner - Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)

Post by Laura »

Profile seems.... so freaking obvious. LOL! I really can't believe that, haha! Thanks for the ideas, Lethe! I think I'm in a bit more of a researchy mood today so I might end up doing more writing. :3 Hopefully I can get some stuff done!

@Jae - Thank you!! I'm glad you really liked the site design as well as the races page! I try to be as informative as possible... Warcraft's lore is so deep that I felt it would be easy for people to get a little overwhelmed if they weren't already familiar with all of the races, terms, etc. I know Warcraft is a really well known series but I think a lot of people here have never played so I wanted to make sure they had access to the basics. :3 I still have to add more of the Alliance races too.
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