[GLOBAL] Contact Information

All important news regarding Amassment and its community at a glance.
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Posts: 1341
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:20 pm

[GLOBAL] Contact Information

Post by Lethe »

If you have any problems, questions or concerns around the community, here are our channels of communication.

General Inquiries

Guides and Help - Make a new topic in the dedicated help forum.
Contact Form - Send in a contact form at the directory.
Anonymous Feedback - Contact us anonymously.
@Amassment - Tweet your questions informally.


The following is a list of staffers assigned to specific areas.

A full list of current staffers can be found on the directory's staff page. You can PM any of us anytime, including staffers not listed here (click on the names below). Administrators can also be reached via email; replace [at] with @ and remove the spaces.

dubiousdisc - Forum Administrator
Discord: dubiousdisc#8852

Stefi - Communications Administrator
Discord: Stefi#3879

Sofia - Lead Administrator, Events Supervision
Email: sofia [at] amassment.org | Discord: Sofia#5603

Camy - Awards Administrator (Shrine Spotlight), Directory Administrator
Discord: Siren#3369

nyxmidnight - Communications Staffer

Robin - Events Staffer
Both despair and ecstasy are part of the elements that compose a person.
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