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Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:58 am
by anon
The only thing IMO that would make people look down on you is if you try justify any sort of problematic behavior a character has. You can like a character, enjoy the work he or she is in, etc. You will only divide your audience only by the way you approach the topic. Even if there are reasons for this character's actions you're throwing yourself in hot water if you try to justify them and make it sound like it's acceptable.

There are reasons for why a character does horrible things but that does not give him or her an easy way out, or deserving of any sort of sympathy.

i.e. in Persona 4 a particular spoilery character is actually quite popular in the fandom but in spite of all the "awesomeness" he is, people tend to ignore the fact that he tried to rape two women, and tried to kill a bunch of high school students just because he was bored. Yeah, he's a psychopath. But does it make it okay? No.

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:00 pm
by Destinie
I have shrines to Fox and Krystal and people thought I was a furry. :|

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:16 am
by Saya
.... oh com'on if I like a character that doesn't mean I approve of his actions... it means the character is well done, and that it actually says something to me, I agree with dragoneyes, and also about the fact Momo pointed out - it depends on how you breach the subject; I can like him a lot but I won't for example glorify the evil deeds they did.

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:02 pm
by Mikari
I actually did the whole explanation think for a situation a character was in, but it was more along the lines of "I understand the reasoning because of this and that, but I think x should have done this instead..."

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:45 am
by SnowRayjah
Basically echoing everyone here. I feel like you can reasonably write a tribute for someone and say "I understand" "I empathize" or "I think that" without having to say "I condone the behavior/trait because of". Perhaps the evil traits are what draw you to the character. I chose not to write up my complete thoughts on sacrifice for my Aeon site, but it's still an important part. I understand why those things happened and although I don't agree with them - I know they are IMPORTANT for the sake of story, culture, and religion WITHIN the world of Spira. Part of what draws me to it is the fact that its so naturally foreign to my morals, values, and character. (and rather, I understand the cause of giving one's all for the sake of others, what I never understood was not finding a solution to the problem.) It doesn't make me a sacrifical lamb because I decided to write something on it. It does help my understanding, though.

I write to understand, so, if I write a site for an evil bastard, it's because I'm trying to understand (rather than justify) the actions and character. It's fun to be introspective and to think about the different things. For me, it also helps me to reflect and understand more about myself.

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:34 pm
by Chibi
I agree with everyone, especially Momo and Snow. If you like a character, go for it! I love some good analysis on evil/psychotic characters.

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:11 am
by Cherri
I agree, if you like the character throw caution to the wind and shrine it. So what if people think you are demented? Just because you like a serial killer character doesn't mean you are one or that you condone their behavior. People openly admit to liking Joker and they do cosplay and all that. So I really don't see the difference. I think it comes down to "Are you making the site for them or for you?" Like why are you making it? Are you making it because you can and like the characters? Or because you want people to think there is something wrong with you? Shrine who you like, that's what it's all about. Or at least I think it is. If they don't like it they don't have to look at it. And I think I repeated everyone.

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 1:54 am
by Laura
I think sites for questionable characters are awesome!! It's usually the most questionable characters that end up having the most interesting stories and background. I would have a lot more fun analyzing Jason than I would analyzing Usagi from Sailor Moon. XD

I think it's important to note that analyzing a character and understanding their motives doesn't mean that you sympathize with them.

Re: Questionable Characters

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:25 pm
by Robin

I think making a site for a "questionable" character can be a great psychological project, probing into canon-based reasons why a character might choose to act in questionable fashions. Still doesn't mean you condone it, but you can understand what might push them to those actions. Makes for a great read, too! ^_^