Animated movies

Any series that isn't anime as well as live action movies.
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Animated movies

Post by dubiousdisc »

Thought to open a separate thread for this. Let's talk about favorites and stuff!

I would say my favorite animated movie of all time (well, my favorite movie ever) is Fantasia. My favorite part is the very beginning, the one with the Bach piece and the abstract animation. I still can't wrap my mind over the fact that that movie is 72 years old. It looks so modern concept-wise, and so perfect animation-wise.

Another big favorite of mine is Watership Down, particularly the beginning and end sequence. I don't know why my parents let me watch that as a wee kid all considered, but even back then I found it amazing, even if terrifying. It influenced me so much art-wise.

Of the newer stuff, I'd say the best [western] animated movie I've watched in these last few years was Wall-E. I remember walking into the theater all, meh, it doesn't look particularly interesting, and walking out delighted. Though, I wish they had gone the full way into making it completely without dialogue except for Wall-E going Eevah and the directive thing. I guess people weren't ready yet...

I'd also like to mention a gorgeous short movie - Aleksandr Petrov's The Old Man And The Sea. Whether you like the original novel or not, if you are not familiar with this gem, please look it up. The only thing I need to say about it is: the entire movie is painted on glass panels. It's amazing.

What about you?
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Saya »

Now I'm fan of ALL DISNEY MOVIES.... but my favorites are probably Mulan as disney's, and How to train your dragon that is not disney's.

I'm old-style gal, so I actually prefer the not computerised things, I love to the bits the old style, because it's so awesome and awes inspiring. Because of that I'm fan of Disney's.

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Re: Animated movies

Post by dubiousdisc »

Re: 2D vs 3D - me too. But actually, what puts me off most CG movies is not even really the fact that they are in CG. It's the character design of human characters that bothers me so much, especially their faces. Now, I have discussed this topic to death and beyond with people in the animation industry, and the thing is - that type of faces and the exaggerated expressions that are so common in CG movies were actually born out of technical limitations, not style. I will spare you all the details, but that is why they look like that, and for me three halves of the time they look SO UNCANNY VALLEY that I can't even bear to look at them D: I guess this is part of why I enjoyed Wall-E so much, after all the main characters were robots... What bothers me a lot, though, is that that style born out of constraints has seeped to 2D animation as well. Aaaaagh D:

Mulan! Thank you for reminding me about it - I need to rewatch it. I remember finding it very beautiful when I saw it in theaters back then. Hilarious thing about it - when much later I found out about yaoi, I could never take the name seriously because it made me think of porny pictures of Yao from Mulan. ... ... ... I still can't read the name without thinking of Yao and bursting into laughter XD

Oh! And I forgot to mention Disney's Sword in the Stone. I adore that movie. I have a personal weakness for the sketchy lineart Disney movies had in those years and I was sad when I found out that even that wasn't born out of style but out of budget problems (they didn't have money to ink, so they just photocopied the lineart and called it a day), but fuck it, I still love how it looks and I love how the characters look like and I love the humor in that movie and Archimedes' laugh, it's amazing.
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Destinie »

2D > 3D. My sister studied animation so we talk about this all the time. 3D is so limited stylistically.

Favorite animated movie? Not sure, I have too many. But as far as Disney movies go, my favorites are Aladdin and Bambi.

[s]Also Pokemon the first movie, wut?[/s]
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Emma »

The Lion King is my favourite film, animated or not. I still watch it about once a month and cry at the sad parts. :(

I generally love all Disney films, and older animated films like All Dogs Go To Heaven, The Land Before Time (the first only, the sequels can jog on), and Fern Gully. And yeah, Watership Down is amazing. The book is great, too.

The Secret of Kells is a gorgeous (and recent) movie that I loved. The animation is beautiful.
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Mikari »

I kind of lost interest in Disney... then became interested again when Kingdom Hearts came around and again not, because the KH characters I like are all Square Enix anyway. Thus Disney movies I still like are the old ones. Lion King, Balto and Aladdin. I especially liked the Aladdin series. In terms of style, I'm all up for the high tech CG, though it still needs a few more years to catch up to the full effects of drawn animation, I like its lineless smoothness. Ironic since most of the movies I like are cellshaded, but that is in terms of plot and characters more so than visuals. I also really like the clean look of flash animation, it's like a nice blend of both techniques.
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Crystal »

I can't believe I didn't see this. o_o;

As I mentioned my favorite animated movie is Puss in Boots but I'm also quite fond of Happy Feet, Kung Fu Panda, Tangled, Aladdin, and Enchanted (not sure if that one counts but it is partially animated!).

I'm sure there's more but I can't remember them right now. >.>;
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Sarah »

Animated movies = :heart:

My favorites of Disney are 101 Dalmatians, The Fox and the Hound, Hercules, Mulan, Cinderella, The Lion King, and Bambi.

Pixar favorites include [s]ALL OF THEM[/s] WALL-E, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, and Ratatouille. Speaking of Pixar, I recently saw Brave, and it was awesome. :yay:

And as for other companies: Anastasia, The Iron Giant, Cats Don't Dance, An American Tail, All Dogs Go To Heaven, and The Land Before Time (just the first one, though, I like to pretend the others don't exist :swt:). Also, if you want to count it as animated, Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

(none of those lists were in any particular order, btw)

That is a lot of favorites, but my love for animated movies is unyielding, so.. yeah. On the subject of traditional animation vs. computer animation, I prefer traditional. This may be shocking given my [s]unhealthy[/s] love of Pixar, but I really prefer the look and feel of traditional. It has a "warmth" (for lack of a better word) to it that computer animation just doesn't have. But I think Pixar is an exception to that. IDK I prefer traditional AND Pixar, how's that? (this was much more difficult to write than it needed to be :rage:)
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Nekoi »

I adore The Little Mermaid since when I was a 6th year child, I suppose this will remain an everlasting love from me! However another animated movie which I adore is Tangled followed by Hercules, Shreck and Madagascar. However there are plenty of movies and sincerely I don't recall of them now! These are for sure the one I like the most! ;)
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Re: Animated movies

Post by Eden »

I must be weird because I love all the Land Before Time sequels. I enjoyed singing to them as a kid. They showed me how to be a good friend, I suppose. I like all of the animation films directed by Don Bluth and I love a lot of old Disney classics. Pixar I'm picky with... I only like Toy Story, Wall-E and Up. I haven't seen Brave yet. :( I like Hayo Miyazaki films though I haven't seen them all yet.

There are tons of things I like and love and to list them all would take too long. I wish there was a My Animation List site or something like that. xD
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