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Animal Crossing

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:46 am
by Cherri
Well I decided to make that topic for Animal Crossing. And just talk about what I like or list of my name and town so others can visit. What are your favorite parts about Animal Crossing? What do you wish they would add? What don't you like about it?

I like the furniture, fishing, donating to the museum, and changing clothes and hair and K.K. Slider. I wish you could play as an animal and have a "save & continue" option. I don't like having to pay Nook for my house! And the post office theme, I can't stand it.

I'm also getting Animal Crossing New Leaf for the 3DS.

Sorry, I haven't started many topics and I feel silly. So um how about you guys?

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:28 pm
by Crystal
I'll definitely be getting new leaf as well. I love the furniture, clothes, and music. Can't recall what I didn't like (besides Reseti or w/e his name is who just won't go away). I really liked the hair salon in Wild World. I always chose a boy's hair style because I thought it was cool. xD

And, uhh, can't think of much else right now. I just got up so my mind isn't entirely functioning right now. *cough*

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:20 pm
by Todd
I'm picking up New Leaf as soon as GameStop opens tomorrow!

My favorite part is developing relationships with the animals and getting their pictures, lol. I also like expanding and decorating my house.

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:01 pm
by Cherri
That's all fun! Yup, Resetti is a bit annoying. Luckily I don't run into him often. I'm also getting it as soon as the store opens tomorrow. ^-^ I like the bun hairstyle and making it pink or red.

I believe New Leaf has online stuff. So I think we can visit each other towns. Which if we can is gonna be awesome. I like features that let me play with my far away friends.

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:24 pm
by Crystal
I'm planning to buy it off the e-store as soon as I can. I probably won't be able to do much on it tonight but I'd at least have it all ready for tomorrow morning.

@Cherri: Agreed! With the DS I didn't get to do much of this because of the stupid WEP thing but I'm really hoping to do more of it on the 3DS, especially with New Leaf! :D

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:36 am
by SnowRayjah
I like all the things.

Ranch furniture set is awesome. Redd is my favorite. One day, I'd like to play as an animal and be the mayor and do awesome things. And one day, I'd like to finish the ranch set so that my animal crossing life can be complete. REDD. WHY YOU NO GIVE ME WHAT I NEED? Also, I wish the net were easier to use. That would be better. I don't care that I get stung by bees or beat up by tarantulas, but I do wish the net were easier to use (less flail at everything).

Steep Hill will be my favorite K.K. song forever - are you sick of it yet, Cherri?

Also, I like new animal crossing games because they usually have some new furniture sets. I'm hoping for a few more. I would, however, like to see the games come back! Remember in the gamecube version where you could find arcade games? I miss those. Even though I was terrible at them.

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:52 am
by Cherri
@Crystal: If possible wanna visit each others towns and stuff?

@Snow: No I'm not sick of Steep Hill. And I do believe you'll be able to get it in the 3DS because K.K. has his acoustic set on Saturday nights at the club. I remember those! I sucked at them but I liked collecting them.

One time I buried a pitfall seed and tried pushing a villager in it...but I fell in myself. ;.; It was actually pretty funny.

I'm also hoping for more furniture sets. I think for my default set unless I find something else will be the Modern Set. I've normally been going with the Regal Set but I hate the floor/wallpaper and it's become quite difficult to collect. Also Kicks has his own shoe store. <3

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:15 pm
by Crystal
@Cherri: Heck yeah!

@Snow: Steep Hill is amazing! I'm also quite fond of K.K. Condor and Comrade K.K. :D I know there are others I love to but it has been so long that I don't remember them. ;-;

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:35 am
by SnowRayjah
Cherri: I'm going to have to fix that. >:D I'll save any modern stuff I find for you!

Crystal: YES! I liked a few of them but the only one I really remember is Steep Hill. And I think that's because I get it every time. I'm going to try out the other two you mentioned. :D

Re: Animal Crossing

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:40 am
by Cherri
@Crystal: Yes! Let's do all the things! My orange trees haven't grown in yet but you can take as many apples as you want. ^-^

@Snow: Thank you! I'll save any ranch stuff for you.

The fruit stacks now! It's so cool. And I got my "Save & Continue" feature I wanted. *dances*