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Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:35 am
by Eunice
I'd like to have a go at doing a one-page shrine, one a month. Yes, I'm ambitious! And I'd like to get the shrine to Jemma finished. I can't say the same of the Earth Final Conflict shrine as I reckon this is going to go on and on for the rest of 2017. (5 seasons after all!) It's such a massive project that I think that one-pagers will be a good way of keeping focus.

So, do you have any resolutions for shrines?

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:34 am
by dubiousdisc
That's some intense goals! What! 12 one-page shrines in one year?! AND MORE?? That's, wow!

I'm not setting anything in stone as all these goals are depending on whether I'm hit by the right fanning burst, but my biggest hope for next year is to overhaul all of my Quake III sites. I also would like to see at least one of the text files I have for a completely new shrine take form into a finished site. I have notes about The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the entire Kirby series, Mushishi, Jigen from Lupin III, Lyude from Baten Kaitos. It would be great if any of them took off, but these would be relatively big shrines so, who knows. Hey, I resolve to see them finished in the next 10 years! XD

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:13 pm
by Robin
I actually did this last year, making up a list of 12 sites I wanted to create/revamp in the coming year on my projects page, and I'm happy to say that despite everything that 2016 threw at me (including the kitchen sink), I met most of my goals (summarized in this post and this tag). In fact, I even went above and beyond my goals in November (which was good, considering the dental crisis I endured and the fact that I've dragged my heels on my last site xD)

For 2017, though? I think I may need a year off, LOL!

Actually, I'm hoping to work on my novels some more, and hopefully (HOPEFULLY) get them all published...though first I have to find an agent, and make a professional author website, and get copyrighted, and skdjaklsdjfjsdf omg I actually have no idea what I'm doing aaaaaaaaaaa

BUT ANYWAYS! I do have some site goals I want to meet, if not specifically in 2017, then over the next couple of years:

- Upload everything I meant to upload for my Eighth Doctor site (this is going to be an ongoing project though, since I still have so much media to experience for myself, and I am lazy/broke)
- Redesign and maybe even completely overhaul my Clefairy site
- Rework my College Knowledge site, possibly using a CMS and a premade mobile friendly layout because I hate developing for mobile omg
- Update my Olaf site with Google Fonts, more pages, something to make it feel less.......empty, I guess is the word?
- Retool the novel progress page to reflect the fact that I have THREE books in process, not just one!!! omgomgomg
- Find some way to present this site's info better
- Find a way to do multiple playlists on WMWorg Radio, and then actually follow through with it xD

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:02 pm
by Sophia
Echoing @dubiousdisc, I appreciate the ambition, @Eunice! And major props to @Robin for getting your stuff done, despite that awful tooth situation.

BOTTOM LINE: I'd like one big thing to be finished in 2017, one multi-page shrine. Any big thing. Here are my rough to-do lists, hidden below.

  • Finish Red of Transistor shrine.
    1. Finish layout. This one is more content dependent than others. I have ideas, but first, I want my media gathered so that I can think of how best to present it all.
    2. Replay (only eight hours long ya butt).
    3. Screenshots for days.
    4. Draft content: storyline; art deco inspiration; relevance of voice / action and gender; information on functions; quotes; more.
  • Finish Urdnot Wrex of Mass Effect shrine.
    1. Replay (and in one case play) ME series.
    2. Screenshots for days.
    3. Draft content: exhaust knowledge of possible paths; compare Wrex / Wreav; krogan history; krogan culture versus podunk Pennsylvania culture; importance of non-love interests; more.
  • Finish Quistis Trepe of FFVIII shrine.
    1. Replay game (ten hours in!).
    2. Screenshots for days.
    3. Draft content: her personality; her personal importance; her interactions with the others; summary of plot; summary of magic; more.
  • Start and finish shrine to Zenobia Fox, of the Kraken King.
    1. Reread book (easy, my fave!).
    2. Quotes for days.
    3. Layout! Already got a Gibson girl lithograph picked out. But, uh, CSS ain't my friend.
    4. Draft content: steampunk, history of, and conjunction with romance novels; importance of Meljean Brook's Iron Seas series; Zenobia as a character; her romance; my personal connection to her.
  • Start and finish one-page shrine to Kaho of Momodoa: RUTM.
    1. Replay game.
    2. Screenshots for days.
    3. Layout. I have an idea, but do I have the skillz...
    4. Content. Tricky, since there's very little in-game info. Maybe more fun that way?
  • Start and finish one-page shrine to Aloth and Kana Rua of Pillars of Eternity.
    1. This one I want to be quick and dirty. Teeny layout.
    2. Quick summary. Links to appropriate transcripts.

Though I want to generate shrines as appropriate, more important than the shrining, to me, is that I feel like I 'fully engage' with all the games I play. (Shrines were my inspiration for gaming way-back-when, and I mostly think of them within that area.) Do I know what "fully engage" means? NO. SHOOSH. I WILL FIGURE OUT SEVENTY HOURS INTO THE MASS EFFECT SERIES I'M SURE.

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 8:00 am
by Saya
main ressolution:

after that
- continue my ac series shrine (after i get my book from slovenia to do content)
- do the Cullen shrine
- do teh DA series shrine
- do the Final Fantasy XIV shrine (i have the freaking lore book o/)
- recheck my other shrines to see if I stop with something or if I retire something)

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:37 am
by Stefi
Definitely making it a goal to get one new decent shrine up this year! I've been working on 3 projects these past few months, which have been frustratingly slow due to schoolwork. I also shot my foot with one of them because I'm looking at the material from two different languages but I am so determined. Doesn't help that my shrine-making pace is relatively slow :swt2:

Also, kind-of-related, but I do want to work on making my sites mobile-friendly.

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:08 pm
by Amber
Finish at least one shrine! :P

It is not a very big goal but I hope to organize my website collective as well.

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:10 am
by Crystal
Saya wrote:- do the Final Fantasy XIV shrine (i have the freaking lore book o/)
OH. MY. GOSH. YES! I would love to see more FFXIV shrines (and not be the only one who has one lol)! Looking forward to it!

I think my main priority for 2017 will be my current shrines. I want to work on getting them up to par with my current standards and finish the ones with incomplete pages or rewrite ones with content I am unhappy with. 2016 was supposed to be the year for that but due to anxiety, depression, and real life kicking my butt I'm hoping to do that this year instead. I'll probably still try to make new shrines on my projects list although there are a couple that aren't on there that I really want to do argh.

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 4:44 am
by Emma
Wow, Robin, you've been so productive this year!

I didn't accomplish much in 2016, unfortunately. It was a year that kicked my arse in a lot of ways, but I'm hoping 2017 will be better.

Most of my resolutions are to finish projects I've already started. I'd like to finish my Kain revamp, and then finish my Rydia site. I have a bunch of stuff mostly written for Rydia that I never even uploaded for Construction Zone, that's how useless I've been. It just needs to be proof read and coded. Then, I would like to get my old Final Fantasy VII sites back online - they need to be updated and probably at least partially rewritten but obviously a large chunk of the work is already done for them.

I would also like to make and complete at least one brand new site. Maybe even for something that's not Final Fantasy.

Re: Shrinely New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:06 pm
by Megan
Excited to see everything that people have planned for the upcoming year!!

My main plans are:

1) Revamp all my FL's and add "something more" to them
2) Finish all upcoming sites (Lloyd TOS, Presea TOS, Hatori FB, Natori NBOF, etc)
3) Work on whatever in-between that sparks my interest! I've noticed that I do better working on this right when I'm most passionate about them!