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World of Warcraft

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:43 am
by Crystal
Well, because I know some of us play this game I thought there should be a topic for it. :D

Well, anyone who knows me even a little bit will probably know how much I love this game. I've been playing this game strong for 5 years, pretty much since the Burning Crusade expansion (although I was an absolute noob at the time). But yeah, now I'm pretty kickass at it. xD

Right now I have about 9 85's (I think) but I only play about 4 of them. Those being Zeruda (my main since day one), Lindis (gonna be my new main in MoP), Himawari, and Aquiel (if anyone can guess where all my names are from you win a gold star). I've also recently started another attempt at a Death Knight and it seems I might actually level this one to max level.

But yeah, anyone else looking forward to MoP? I'm totally geeking out over the pet battles. 8D

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:15 pm
by Mikari
I've always been curious but never actually played it. Maybe I will someday.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:40 am
by Ava
I used to play a lot in undergrad, but I became too addicted, to a really unhealthy point. So kudos to Crystal for being able to balance WoW and life so well. It really is an incredibly engaging and enjoyable game.

As for your names, they're all fictional women. One from Zelda, one from Star Trek, one from an anime, and the last one... I'm not sure.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:05 pm
by Mikari
I have plenty of free time so I would like to get into a game like this... When I get a new internet connection that's not pay per usage. Who knows, maybe I'll see you guys there someday. XD

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:01 pm
by Crystal
Yeah, I've heard of that happening to a lot of people. It's hard but I do manage. I play it a lot now mostly because I don't have much else to do. ._. Thanks Ava. xD

Yep, you've gotten them pretty close. :D The one is actually spelled a bit differently because the original name was taken when I made the character but it is from Fire Emblem (and I have a shrine dedicated to the namesake as well, lol). Also, if you're trying to guess my DK's name there isn't any character I named it after. It was just a randomly generated name that I happened to think sounded cool.

That would be neat Mikari. If you do decide to play I'm on Baelgun. :D

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:01 pm
by Todd
I started playing around October last year. I have one character, Sissel. I'd like to eventually make more and try them out, but I feel like my one 85 is so squishy and needs work, and I barely have time for him.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:07 pm
by Crystal
Todd wrote:I started playing around October last year. I have one character, Sissel. I'd like to eventually make more and try them out, but I feel like my one 85 is so squishy and needs work, and I barely have time for him.
Nice! If you need a hand with playing a hunter just give me a shout. I'm a mighty kickass hunter (not to mention I have two max level hunters as well). xD

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:25 pm
by Todd
Thanks! I'll definitely hit you up when I start playing seriously again. I'm taking a break now.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:29 am
by Emma
I haven't played in a while, although I might go back for a bit when Mists comes out (although Guild Wars 2 might distract me from that). I enjoyed playing a monk in the beta and I want to try the pet battles.

I have two 85s. I'm not going to even link my armory because I'm such a baddy. I have a death knight that I really only did PVP and holiday events/farmed mounts and pets with. Death Knight PVP is fun. Even if other death knights in bgs annoy me because they don't know how to use death grip wtf. I also just got a priest to 85 before I stopped playing. I might try gear her up and attempt some PVE in Mists. I don't enjoy being a squishy caster in PVP.

I also have a lower level rogue that I want to get to max level. For PVP reasons. :)

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:52 pm
by Crystal
That's neat Emma! I haven't done much PvP since the Burning Crusade expansion when you needed marks in order to get the PvP gear. I rage so bad when I try now, plus I get super anxious (although it isn't so bad now). I've never really done much PvP with a Death Knight (at least not since early LK) but it sounds neat. Maybe I'll have to try some on my DK. I really like doing PvP with a holy paladin, beast mastery hunter, feral druid, and enhancement shaman when I get into the mood to do some. xD

Rogue PvP is pretty fun, although I really only did it back in LK when I was leveling my rogue (I don't play it so much now, eep!). Still, it's fun. 8D