Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

From November 2015 to August 2016, create a shrine or shrines to celebrate a dynamic duo! Lovers, enemies, brothers, sisters, parents, and close friends contribute to a character's being. Explore the fandom and the relationship from another side.
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Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Post by Robin »

Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Congratulations to all those who signed up and participated in this event! We had a lot of activity and plenty of new shrines blooming between the months of February and August!

Below are the completed shrines for this event as of August 15th, 2016, which have already been added to the directory. Click around and enjoy all the wonderful new additions!

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Temporarily Offline

Nyx's shrines were finished well in time for the event (in fact, they were the first ones completed!), but are offline for the moment. We await the reintroduction of this greatness!

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Re: Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Post by Laura »


Good work, everyone!! I'm clicking away in total entertainment and joy! <3
Megan A
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Re: Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Post by Megan A »

Ahhh, so many wonderful shrines were completed. I can't wait to read through the ones I've missed!
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Re: Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Post by Destinie »

Ahhhh! Great job, everyone! This was a tough challenge but I am glad to see so many new and amazing shrines! I will take the time to leave thoughtful comments on everyone's posts when I can. ;-; ♥
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Re: Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Post by Lethe »

Lovely wrap-up, look at all the buttonssssssss.

To those who have finished: Congrats, a job well-done!!

To those who haven't finished: Seeing everyone sign-up, brainstorming together, being excited and working on things is so lovely! Don't be too hard on yourself if you didn't manage to finish on time - if you managed to start even a little bit, if signing up got you an idea for a shrine, I think it's been worth it, and your enthusiasm gives others a lot as well! I hope to see your shrines sometime in the future, and am excited for future event sign-ups of yours. <3
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Re: Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Post by Anise »

Wow! Congrats to everyone who finished it was certainly a trial (or at least it felt like that to me).

To those of you who didn't finish, I hope you'll continue working on your shrines because I'd love to see them someday soon!
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Re: Dynamic Duos Challenge: Results

Post by Mikari »

Congratulations everyone!