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Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:10 am
by Crystal
My first real shrine of 2016. Isn't that crazy? I've been slacking. (I've had my reasons though *hides*)

Anyway, I am pleased to present Heroic Tale, my shrine to Linkle from the video game Hyrule Warriors Legends. I am really happy with how this site turned out in both layout and content and I had a ton of fun working on her.

This site has been up for a couple weeks now but I haven't done much plugging due to the slow progress of getting content online. The shrine now has the minimum 5 pages though so I thought it time to plug it here at the boards. I still have a couple pages yet to write but I'm hoping it won't take me long to finish them. *fingers crossed*

I think that's everything for now. Let me know what you think! <3

Heroic Tale - Linkle of Hyrule Warriors Legends

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:54 pm
by Mikari
The design is cute ^^ I like the content you have so far, looking forward to seeing the other pages!

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:52 am
by Destinie
Linkle is really adorable and I think it's great that you expanded your fanlisting into a shrine for her! I like the page where you talk about her being a hero versus the "Legendary hero" and the short blurb about where you think she got the compass from. I haven't played through the entire game yet but it seems like there's so much speculation that could be done for Linkle! I'm looking forward to seeing the pages that aren't done yet. In addition, I'd like to read about her relationship with Link. I think they cross paths at some point in the game, right?

Is it just me or does Linkle seem to have this special association with the cuckoos, almost like they are her symbol or something. Is it because she lived on a farm? Is she friend to all cuckoos? Do they attack her like they do to Link?

On a side note: would you like to link exchange with my Link and Darunia shrines? ^_^

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:52 pm
by Crystal
@Mikari: Thank you!

@Destinie: She really is! Oddly enough the two of them NEVER interact. Not once. Linkle interacts with just about everyone but Link. I'm not really sure why that is. It would be cool if they did.

Yeah she really does. She raised cuccos at her village and so seems to have an affinity for them. Might be fun to write something more about that. On some maps they serve as her commanders and other units but not all are friendly with her.

And yes I do! I might even be open to affiliating. ;)

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:23 pm
by Megan
Looks awesome so far, Crystal! I am not familiar with her, but I am excited to read the page about her and Link being the same person! So definitely poke me when that is up because I bet it's going to be an interesting read! :D

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:40 pm
by Robin
Beautiful design (the color scheme is superb!) and I like that the shrine content is "self-contained" under that one navigation link without feeling sparse. You've got good intros to the character and how she fits in with the rest of LoZ canon; the articles to come will only further round out what you've got!

Also, I'm really looking forward to that "just a female Link?" page, because I KNOW that will be a great opinion piece!! :D

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:04 pm
by Crystal
Thanks Megan and Robin! <3

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:40 am
by Destinie
Yay! I will add you soon, Crystal! :)

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 1:35 am
by Crystal
Destinie wrote:Yay! I will add you soon, Crystal! :)
A little bit late but added you! I also made a button for Link you are more than welcome to use. :D

Re: Heroic Tale - Linkle

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:23 am
by Lethe
Yaaay, a Crystal shrine! :D I like people using shrines to explore characters with minimal available official info, it's fun!

Love your rundown of weapons and playstyle - her weapons seem so interesting, and not what I would have expected! :O I WANT MORE INFO ON THE CUCOOS AFTER READING YOUR EXCHANGE WITH DESTINIE ABOVE - it sounds so cute!

Your "Legendary hero" page is my favourite so far; I like how you presented Linkle, an also your speculations on the origins of the compass. :>

Can't wait for the remaining pages! :D Is Legend Mode a character-specific mode, where each gets their own campaign and story? I think Megan A gave me a brief overview of the game once, but I forgot (the subject came up because I was talking about Dynasty Warriors' modes). XD

By the way, do you plan on making a small gallery or something? :O Linkle looks so cute...