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Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:59 pm
by Camy
The winner for January was Breathe by Todd!

Congratulations Todd, here is your shiny badge~!
Image Thanks again to all who nominated and voted!

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:06 am
by Saya
GRATZ! *applaud*

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:05 am
by nyxmidnight
Congrats Todd!!!

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:32 am
by Sarah
Woo! Congrats, Todd!! :yay: I love this site.

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:47 pm
by Todd
I felt a little weird when I first learned that Breathe won Shrine Spotlight, and I think it's because I'm an admin here, and I just never thought about winning an award myself at Amassment. My friends quickly told me to squash that way of thinking, though, so I'm going to allow myself to be happy. I would absolutely be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled about Breathe being recognized.

First off, I'm just completely honored to even have been nominated in such great company as Sarah, Neo, and Karen. Sarah's Joel McHale site is so personal, so informative, and is such a great read. Neo's Midorin tribute is one of a kind; many of us don't even notice voice actors, yet she presents Midorin in such an inviting way that any of us could learn about him, whether we've heard of him or not. Karen's Bryan Ferry shrine is filled with such passion; her love for Ferry is intriguing, and made me check out some of his songs. Any of the three could have won, and I would have been happy. Sites to actual people are ridiculously tough, as I'm sure any of those three would attest to. Unfortunately tributes of this type get lost in the shadows of character shrines to popular video games and anime, and so it is so cool that People Shrines is its own category in Shrine Spotlight; these sites deserve recognition.

Breathe is such a special site to me. I've been planning a Drew Barrymore site since I first started making sites in 2000 or 2001. It took me so long to build because I felt intimidated tackling a subject I love so much; I just didn't think I would do her justice. All the same, I've always imagined running a Drew Barrymore tribute. I guess it has been my dream site. Although it is nothing like I imagined it'd be all those years ago, I finally got the courage to build it in 2010; I can't believe it's almost five years old! I am so happy it is so well received; Drew Barrymore is amazing, and I am happy to spread my love for her and her characters.

I want to thank Karen, Stefi, and Destinie for giving me the push I needed to make this site in 2010. I want to thank Sarah, Mikari, Cherri, Samantha, Snow, Varen, Daphne, Crystal, and so many others I can't name or I'll be here all day, for just supporting this site through the years and letting me know they love it. I want to thank all of Amassment for keeping me excited about making sites like this one, and I want to thank everyone who nominated or voted for not only this site, but any of the sites in this category, because like I said, they are all awesome and deserve recognition! And thank you, Sofia, for the beautiful graphic!

This is such an honor. Thank you so much!

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:33 pm
by Megan
Congrats, Todd! You deserved this 100%! <3 Your site is amazing! I've always loved it since I first came across your domain a few years back. :) Be happy, we all love you and your work!

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:09 pm
by Crystal
I've always loved your Drew Barrymore site so I'm happy to see it win. Congrats Todd! <3

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:24 pm
by Samantha
Congratulations, Todd! You work very hard on your sites and definitely deserve this. : )

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:36 pm
by dubiousdisc
Shh, Todd, it's okay, you can win! :P
You deserved it so much, so don't feel like that! Congratulations :)

Re: Shrine Spotlight Winner: January 2015!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:54 pm
by Camy
Todd, it's good they told you to squash that thinking. It was a tough decision, even for me, to vote, and already it was in the lead when I did. I think all can agree that you deserve this shrine to be in the spotlight, especially since of the revamp. It was why I was eagerly to start this since so many shrines deserve it and the categories have helped shown them and will be in the future.

In short, congrats Todd and we're all members here enjoying shrines no matter what position we're in and that's why I love this community <3