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Help: old fanlisting, new shrine

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:04 am
by nyxmidnight
So I have 99% finished (only missing a link button) a one page shrine for Blast From the Past! and I am faced with a difficult decision. What to do with the fanlisting on the same subject that I own?

My first plan was to close the fanlisting and put up the one page shrine instead, but now I find myself weirdly possessive of that old fanlisting, despite the fact that in the last five years only 6 new members have joined. I want to get rid of it but it's one of the few Devil May Cry fanlistings left... but having to update these things every 2 months for nothing is a pain.

What I'm trying to say is help me take a decision, Amassment members.

Re: Help: old fanlisting, new shrine

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:45 am
by Sarah
I know how frustrating it is for a FL to not get members and still have to update it. But if you love the subject a lot, that makes closing it difficult. If you are still attached to it, I would keep it. At least for now. Just so you don't regret closing it later. You could wait a while after you open the shrine, and if you feel that that is gratifying enough, and the FL doesn't mean so much to you anymore, you could close it then.

Hope that helps a little. :)

Re: Help: old fanlisting, new shrine

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:21 pm
by Todd
Have you tried running your fl with Enthusiast? When you login, if a fanlisting is close to that two-month deadline, it will let you know, and you can update an affiliate or member to change the date. Enth is only really convenient if you run multiple fanlistings, though, as you'd need to login to Enth to see that notification. I wish it could e-mail you. That'd be nice.

Anyway, my experience with fls is this: if it is work to update, you shouldn't feel bad about closing it. I had this same conversation with Crystal recently who has considered closing/adopting out some. The moment a fanlisting (or shrine, I guess) becomes unwanted work, it should go. If a fl has a nice layout and you're having to do very little to keep it updated, or if a shrine is complete as-is and you never have to touch it again, it's not worth closing, and would actually be a waste of your hard work. If you're running your fls on Enth, that script is doing most of the updating for you.

I hope that makes sense.

I would only ever close an fl or shrine if it was not up to my current standards, or was unfinished in some way and I didn't have the motivation or energy to fix/finish it.

Re: Help: old fanlisting, new shrine

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:04 am
by Mikari
I update all my FLs on the same day to make it easier to remember, though I only have 2, I do plan on getting more.

I'll echo what has already been said and suggest leaving the FL for now and trying out how it feels alongside the shrine until you're sure of what you want to do.

Re: Help: old fanlisting, new shrine

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:59 pm
by Crystal
I can only echo what Todd said because of the conversation we had about this. If it feels like work to keep it then close it. If it is still fun to maintain then keep it.