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Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:00 am
by Stefi
Welcome to Amassment, Raeni! Glad you can join us! I am super in love with your domain name, btw. I have a really soft spot for mochi, except for this one time when I had to pound it for New Year's in freezing weather haha.

I'm looking forward to your BTS-related tribute! I went out not too long ago and literally heard BTS everywhere I went. It was actually kind of nice being able to recognize a K-Pop band for the first tine in a while (since I'm getting old LOL).

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:55 pm
by Todd
Welcome to Amassment, Raeni!

I'm excited you have joined us, and I hope you find some motivation and help here! If you ever need anything, feel free to poke any of us in blue or pink. :)

It's neat you used to make graphics on Tumblr. Have you ever thought about making a fansite or shrine on Tumblr?

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:41 pm
by Elysa
Hi Raeni, welcome to Amassment!! :yay: I love your domain name, it's so cute!! I'm also a sucker for landscape art and your placeholder image is so lovely! I'm very excited to see your upcoming sites, especially the Sakura & Tomoyo one, hehe! I'm not into BTS but I see/hear the name a lot so I'm also interested in seeing that one. :D We're all very friendly around here, so I hope you'll feel comfortable enough to join in. A lot of people ask for help with coding too, and we have a bunch of code gurus around, so definitely don't be shy to ask for help! <3