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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:41 pm
by Jesspwnsyou
Hey! I'm Jess, and I'm new here at Amassment. I've been lurking as a non-member for a while and today I figured I'd go ahead and register as a user. I'm 27 years old texan, gamer, engineer, and I make websites! I've been around in the anime graphics community a while, and I always come and go, but recently I started getting into fanlistings. It sort of sparked my intrest a little and I've been pretty much addicted. I started doing a little more digging around and learned about shrines and tribue sites. So now, I'm looking into creating my first shrine and I'm looking at everyones to get a good idea of what kind of information that people put on them. :) Hopefully, if I can catch up on sleep and rest and have free time (working kills me) I can start working on a shrine. I am still trying to decide who or what I want to make a shrine for, but I've got plenty of ideas.

I hope I can become friends with many of you!

Re: Incoming

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:11 pm
by Janna
Hi! Welcome to Amassment! :heart: :music:
I'm rather new here too, just joined this month! And I'm also 27 woot! I'm glad to have another fanlisting lover around :D And I can't wait to see your siteeees~! I love browsing new networks and reading shrines :3
I've been really inspired in my works lately by this community, so I know and hope you will be too!

Re: Incoming

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:17 pm
by Jesspwnsyou
I'm hoping to finish my main collective site this week and revamp my fanlisting collection site! I dont want to post the links yet until its perfect! Haha

Its nice to meet you! :)

Re: Incoming

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:35 pm
by Janna
I know, we'll be waiting to see it! (don't feel rushed, it's just me being overenthusiastic! xD)
Nice to meet you too :3

Re: Incoming

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:27 am
by Robin
Welcome welcome!! There's lots of support for both shrines and fanlistings here, so you'll find lots of kindred spirits <3 What kinds of subjects are you thinking about making shrines for? :D

(And no worries about "imperfect sites"--these fine folks have helped me with my various bumbling designs for yearsssss, ROFL!!)

Re: Incoming

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:20 pm
by Jesspwnsyou
I think my first shrine will be for the Pokemon Arcanine. It's just the first thing that popped into my head. It's always been my pokemon obsession too. I have other ideas, but have figured that would be a good one starting off.

Re: Incoming

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:55 pm
by Megan
Hey Jess!!!

Can't wait to see your first site to Arcanine! :D I have quite a few Pokemon tributes myself, so we should definitely affiliate when you've got it up! Welcome to the boards officially~

Re: Incoming

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:54 pm
by Janna
Jesspwnsyou wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:20 pm I think my first shrine will be for the Pokemon Arcanine. It's just the first thing that popped into my head. It's always been my pokemon obsession too. I have other ideas, but have figured that would be a good one starting off.
PLEASE!!! Growlithe and Arcanine have always fascinated me. I would love to read a whole shrine about it!! I also need to start my reading of fine PKMN shrines but omg where to start?? Haha!

Re: Incoming

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:10 pm
by nyxmidnight
Welcome aboard the tributes train! I look forward to your work and reading about what you love!

Re: Incoming

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:03 pm
by Stefi
Welcome to Amassment, Jess! Many of us have definitely felt that fanlisting creation binge, haha! We're very much glad you were able to join this side of the community, though :) Looking forward to your upcoming sites! :music: