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Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:51 pm
by Camy
Donkey Kong 64 for me. Mostly because Spooky Castle just annoyed and scared me when I was young xD

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:48 pm
by Mikari
I quit Majora's Mask too! XD Seeing this topic is reminding me that I do have more games that I quit than I initially recalled. I guess I don't bother remembering games I quit. I got bored with Majora's Mark early on during the first area. I expected it to be as good as Ocarina but felt far too slow in comparison. I'm pretty sure there must be other I've simply forgotten about. XD Though I guess for basically all of these it's more like "dropped" than "ragequit" since I felt more bored/impatient than angry.

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:47 am
by Lethe
I've just remembered... I started up Final Fantasy VIII multiple times and would play to disc 2 or 3, then quit due to lack of interest in so many things. =x The last time, however, I recall disliking the world map and having trouble finding things or something. Then I got a vehicle and it sucked because I it kept getting stuck. I ragequit after I drove it into a wall. /realdrivingskills

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:58 am
by Robin
Camy wrote:Donkey Kong 64 for me. Mostly because Spooky Castle just annoyed and scared me when I was young xD
SAME ^^^ LOL! I think I made it through the game one time, but never againnn~~
Mikari wrote:I quit Majora's Mask too! XD Seeing this topic is reminding me that I do have more games that I quit than I initially recalled. I guess I don't bother remembering games I quit. I got bored with Majora's Mark early on during the first area. I expected it to be as good as Ocarina but felt far too slow in comparison. I'm pretty sure there must be other I've simply forgotten about. XD Though I guess for basically all of these it's more like "dropped" than "ragequit" since I felt more bored/impatient than angry.
LOL, I've definitely "boredquit" a lot of my games too. (But if it's juuuuust interesting enough to be a challenge, and then I force myself to play more until I hit a literal wall or experience a huge setback, then I ragequit. See: my last playthrough of Super Paper Mario xD)
Lethe wrote:I've just remembered... I started up Final Fantasy VIII multiple times and would play to disc 2 or 3, then quit due to lack of interest in so many things. =x The last time, however, I recall disliking the world map and having trouble finding things or something. Then I got a vehicle and it sucked because I it kept getting stuck. I ragequit after I drove it into a wall. /realdrivingskills
LOL I definitely feel that pain, Lethe! Driving in video games is always soooooo weird, like some games don't get the physics right at all. (Anyone remember those driving games at arcades where the steering wheels were SO sensitive you literally spent the whole game careening off the road instead of staying on it? LOL)

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:47 am
by Lethe
And here I thought arcades died long ago lmao damn it, I saw arcades in anime/manga all the time AND NEVER SAW THEM IRL.

But yeah, driving and underwater levels in video games are such big potential ragequit points. LOL I have some "staple nightmares" that return every once in a while and one of those staples is driving. LOL LOOPS. AND JUMPS. AND BACKWARDS DRIVING.

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:55 am
by Robin
UNDERWATER LEVELS ;A; I loved the Dire, Dire Docks music in Super Mario 64 but absolutely HATED the level because 80% was underwater and it was sooooo hard. Also big eel coming to eat me = nopenopeNOPE

As for arcades, I think it depends on the region you live in--here in the Southeast US, arcades are still more popular for some reason, though not as much since home video game consoles became big stuff. It may be because it provides respite from sweltering summers and a relatively safe place for kids and young teens to play. Plus, with less urban areas, there's a lot less to do besides go to Walmart...LOL

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:04 pm
by nyxmidnight
That goddamn moray is the stuff of nightmares.

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:47 pm
by Robin
nyxmidnight wrote:That goddamn moray is the stuff of nightmares.
^^^TRUUUUUUTH. First time it appeared on screen I was like "waiT WAIT WHAT IS--WAIT MARIO GOT EATEN??? NOOOOOO" (which triggered a temporary ragequit xD)

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:56 pm
by Emma
CuriousLittleBird wrote:
Lethe wrote:I've just remembered... I started up Final Fantasy VIII multiple times and would play to disc 2 or 3, then quit due to lack of interest in so many things. =x The last time, however, I recall disliking the world map and having trouble finding things or something. Then I got a vehicle and it sucked because I it kept getting stuck. I ragequit after I drove it into a wall. /realdrivingskills
LOL I definitely feel that pain, Lethe! Driving in video games is always soooooo weird, like some games don't get the physics right at all. (Anyone remember those driving games at arcades where the steering wheels were SO sensitive you literally spent the whole game careening off the road instead of staying on it? LOL)
omg you guys. I'm going to assume that neither of you have played the first Mass Effect game, just because I would not be surprised if driving the Mako around on planets caused a great many people to rage quit. (I love the, but it has taken me many years to reach this place of peace.)

Re: Game That Made You Ragequit?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:30 am
by Mikari
I dropped FF8 too, I got to the last battle with Raijin and Fujin, so pretty far in, but I didn't like the leveling (or lack of) leveling system where levels didn't matter and you had to get that energy stuff, (forgot what it was called) to get stronger. I never bothered hunting it down, so I just quit. Not much rage either, more like "meh, that system sucked, I'm you tubing the ending."

The only arcade racing game I enjoyed was the Star Wars pod racer. XD I didn't like the console one though, I actually found the level controls that were modeled after the movie pod to be easier to use than playing the game on an actual controller. The timing was still tricky, but since you could slowly move the levels, you had more "physical space" to adjust things.