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Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:26 pm
by Eden
Playing FPS have improved my hand-to-eye coordination and had an influence on my piano playing since my fingers and hands are doing a lot of different things at the same time. Just playing video games has improved this greatly and I'm grateful for shooters and other games in general for this. :3

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:31 pm
by Juhi
Well, there are some studies that show videogames improving cognitive function. It's not too hard to see either. Even a simple platformer requires a player to come up with solutions to certain dilemmas. More research is needed, but I can't imagine videogames being "brainless" or "mind-rotting".
Mikari wrote:I suck at combos...
Depends on the game really. Some engines have easier combos than others. Link combos give me the most problems (i.e. SF4).

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:56 am
by Mikari
I can only do a few simple "special moves" in adventure games.

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:12 am
by Emma
I am awful at fighting games. D: I find them fun, but I tend to button smash my way to epic failure and the occasional glorious victory.

I've always found roguelikes difficult to get into. I think the random aspect of them puts me off.

I am quite good at racing games! All that time playing Mario Kart was well spent. But I guess my genre would be RPGs? I like puzzle and strategy games and...most things, I guess, but I mainly play RPGs (and I include both JRPGs and western ones in that).

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:17 pm
by Eden
Emma wrote: I've always found roguelikes difficult to get into. I think the random aspect of them puts me off.
The random aspect of roguelikes is what makes the game unique and different to play each time so the game doesn't get bland and boring (sometimes there are over a million possible combinations, depending on how many items, room layouts, and enemies there are). It's especially fun when there are over a hundred different items to get, different dungeons and random sets of enemies so you don't know what you're going to expect in the next room. I always found that exciting so I didn't already know what was gonna happen. I also like the instant death and no saves because it makes it challenging to finish the game based on skill or luck.

It has a lot of replay value I suppose. I know other games do, but it's boring to already know the whole game, who to talk to whom, what to do what and where, and it's basically re-watching a movie.

With random dungeons, enemies and items, you don't know what combos you're getting until you get them so the game can either be interesting as hell or incredibly bad luck depending on the combos. I like that!

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:40 pm
by Emma
Well, that's you. For me no saves and insta death can be frustrating, rather than a challenge. It doesn't feel rewarding to basically depend on luck. I get that the longer you play the more you understand how the enemies work and you'll survive longer and thus get better items, etc etc etc, but they're just not for me.

(In case I'm sounding a little short here) I actually get a little tetchy from being told I "don't get" or don't like roguelikes because they're too difficult because of an argument I had with someone who loves them. I understand how they work, they just aren't for me. Being told I'll enjoy The Binding Of Isaac if I play twenty more hours of it? I'd rather spend those twenty hours playing something else, tbh. I'll go play Dark Souls or ME on Insanity for a challenge. (And also, the same person who got condescending with me about roguelikes also told me not to play Dark Souls because it would be too hard for me. Fuuuuuuuuu. )

I HAVE A METAPHOR. I have put roguelikes into the Guinness part of my brain. Lots of people like Guinness. I cannot stand Guinness. I feel like I've been told all my life that Guinness is an acquired taste and that if I drink enough Guinness it will eventually taste good. This is madness. I'm not drinking a thing I don't like until I like it when I could just be drinking a thing that I like to begin with.

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:27 pm
by Eden
Woah, woah, I'm sorry Emma, I didn't mean to sound like I was getting on your case for not liking them. I was just explaining what I thought made them fun and unique and I guess I was just hoping I could make someone see my side of things. I don't know your experiences with these types of things so I apologize for being in the dark. I apologize if I came off as mean or if I sounded like I was attacking you. That wasn't my intention at all!

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:12 pm
by Emma
Nah, I'm sorry if I came across as an ass tbh. It's just that some of the stuff you said is what one of my brothers said to me, and although you didn't mean it the same way, the reminder pinged my rage button a wee bit. He tends to be one of THOSE "lol, girls suck at games with their silly girl brains" people. Which is...endlessly frustrating.

Re: Your video game genre(s)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:04 pm
by Cherri
I play RPG, Action and Adventure (or any combo of the three) the most. I like those ones. I don't do well with horror games like Fatal Frame (probably wouldn't work well with Resident Evil or Silent Hill). I scare easy so I tend to stay away from things like that. I'm not very good with strategy games but I like Fire Emblem. Not really into fighting games but I do play them from time to time.