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Re: Writing content

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:14 am
by Crystal
@dragoneyes: I do something like that too except for I'll do it in html first because I do all my site work offline and then convert it to php when I'm all done.

Re: Writing content

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:00 pm
by Destinie
@dragoneyes I used to write everything directly in notepad and upload websites that way. ;>

But when I would re-read my sites I would always catch typos and weird grammar issues, so I made myself switch. XD I am also just addicted to googleDocs because I can be anywhere and when I have a new idea I can easily just open the site and jot down notes pretty quickly!

Re: Writing content

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:48 am
by Camy
Google Docs/Drive ftw <3

What I do now, since I used Brackets instead of Dreamweaver since DW lags me like crazy and I'm not paying for CC dangit), I installed the spellcheck plugin. It doesn't have an "add to dictionary" feature but it sure beats the laggy DW. I still have the habit though of re-reading what I typed up to see if it flows comfortably and find any errors. I even get some friends to comb through it if I feel something is lacking.

Re: Writing content

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:40 pm
by Crystal
@Destinie: That's a problem I'm noticing too. I'm always catching typos and grammar errors years later on my sites after I was 100% positive I got them all the first time around.

Re: Writing content

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:32 pm
by Robin
@Crystal: It is my belief that typos breed like rabbits between the .html and .php files and just start hopping all over the place. LOL

Re: Writing content

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:47 am
by Crystal
@Robin: ROFL! It totally makes sense! xD

Re: Writing content

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:53 pm
by Larissa
My method used to be identical to dragoneyes's; I would write straight into the PHP files (typically a testing.html file so I could look at it locally before uploading) so I could see how everything looked as I went.

The problem with this is that I tended to look at my progress after every paragraph or so. Not always, of course, but I got distracted a lot. Still, it worked well enough for all the sites I've made before; why change?

Recently, though, I bought Scrivener. I got it for writing; I wrote a ridiculously long fic in November and I wasn't about to edit 200k+ in Google Docs or Word, I'd tear my hair out. As I started learning the program, though, I realized that hey, I could totally use this to write fansite content.

Now that I've swapped over I don't think I could possibly go back. Having my outline and every other page of content I've written just a quick click away is so ridiculously convenient. It satisfies my need to look at my progress without distracting me from the work of actually writing content. I'm way more focused and productive, which is really all I could ask for. Here is a screencap! I'm actually working on two sites at once; whenever I want to switch I just swap what folders I have open.

(Perhaps ironically I still haven't edited the fic I bought the program for. At least I'm making use of it.)

On the actual topic (I was looking at the last page and didn't realize that the discussion had deviated so far, whoops) I generally write only one page at a time; if I stop in the middle of a page it means I'm way less likely to complete it. Helps my focus.

Re: Writing content

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:53 pm
by Robin
@Larissa: You may have just saved my novel-fuzzed brain with that link to Scrivener. :O, and again I say, :O .

Re: Writing content

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:00 pm
by Loki
I work on one page at once since I don't like to be distracted and it's very easy to distract me ;p But when I end up with a page, I often go back to add things I forgot to add which happens very often.

Re: Writing content

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:33 am
by Destinie
@Larissa oh wowww that tool looks incredibly helpful...