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Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:08 pm
by Mayumi
@Emrys: Tee hee hee XD; I'm obsessed and proud of it!!!! :D

Well, I got my copy of Symphonia, not too long ago. (Like the next day after it was released XD. Thank you Fedex for shipping it so fast *____*) Ahem! Anyways, some stuff are pretty much the same from the Gamecube version but some stuff are new, like the hi-ougi (mystic arte) cut ins (I've seen Sheena's too many times XD;) I was almost gonna see Raine's/Refill's and Genis'/Genius' but I need to spam Ray and Indignation a few more times XD; You need to do a small side quest before going to Sylvarant for the last summon spirit... Totally loving the cameo costumes each character have. You automatically get it when you start playing a new game. But ooh!!! I missed playing this game!!! *____* So happy it's on the PS3 now ;D

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:12 am
by Cherri
@Emrys: That was the first one I got to be player 1 on. ^-^ I generally let Snow be 1st player.

Mum came home from GameStop (she was getting Pokemon X for herself) last night and was like "I got the collector edition of Symphonia." I gave her hug because I never asked for it, secretly wanted it but the price was so high I didn't wanna bother. So I'm excited about that. Symphonia was the first Tales of game I played and it made me love the series.

@Mayumi: Thank you for letting us know. I don't mind they didn't change much. I'm gonna spam Prism Sword when we play again!

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:42 pm
by Mayumi
@Cherri: Why spam Prism Sword? If you put Genis on Strike, you won't get his mystic rate. :/ It's still Indignation you need to get Indignation Judgement. Ray for Sacred Shine (Raine), any level 3 and up arte to get Divine Justice with the Material Blade (Lloyd), the other ones, I'll figure them out and I'll post them soon. :)

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:51 am
by Cherri
@Mayumi: Because it's pretty! And I can't use Holy Lance in it. Oh right, he needs to go towards tactical, huh? Been forever since I've play Symphonia. Thank you for posting these.

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:47 pm
by Mayumi
@ Cherri: You can use either Holy Lance or Ray to get Sacred Shine. :) Revitalize for Fairy Circle (Raine/Refill's second (and healing) mystic arte)

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:57 am
by Cherri
@Mayumi: Oh! I totally forgot Raine had Holy Lance. I play as Genis though. I'm a loyalist and don't like switching but might have to do that if we want Raine to learn stuff. I've forgotten so much of this game's mechanics. I remember the story and characters, just not anything else apparently. XD;;; /lame duck

Wait do they have more than one mystic arte? Is that new/added?

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:04 pm
by Mayumi
@Cherri: I know that Raine and Zelos both have two mystic artes. Zelos has Shining Bind (which Kratos also uses, but it's his official) and Divine Judgement. For Zelos it's kinda complicated to get his because you need to get his Judgement arte.

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:36 pm
by Cherri
@Mayumi: Oh okay. Does Raine have an attack and then one healing? Kinda makes since for Kratos and Zelos to share one. They use the same fighting style as all. Just like Luke. Might take some play throughs and convincing to get that for Zelos. Unless it's possible to get while he is in the party?

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:28 am
by Mayumi
@Cherri: Raine is still pretty much the same. Still using Photon, Ray and Holy Lance. And while Zelos and Kratos share the same mystic rate, Zelos has another one, Divine Judgment. But you can get Zelos' before going to Tethe'alla Tower of Salvation after the events in Flanoir. But if you want to do Kratos' you need to have him back in the party permanently to get his XD. So it's your choice. XD

For Shining Bind (using Zelos) you need to have casted Demon Spear 100+ times, HP must be in red (low HP) and you need to cast it while in over limit. Make sure you have cleared Tethe'alla's Tower of Salvation. You need to do that in order to do it. So if I were you, do that before going to Flanoir XD. BecauseFor Divine Judgment, you must have casted Judgment 20+ times and cast it again while over limit and then you got it ;D

Re: Tales (series)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:33 pm
by Cherri
@Mayumi: Wow. I think my brain just exploded. XD Seems like a lot but will probably be easier once I have the game. Snow likes to get Kratos, which is why I asked about Zelos.

Also I'm excited about the new Tales of game. I know next to nothing about it. It has a priest and darkness. How to you feel about it?