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Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:17 pm
by Shiori
Todd wrote:This. I have shrine "ideas" but I don't get serious about shrining until I'm ready to replay/rewatch/reread. For me, it's a bad idea to make a shrine my first time through a series.
I'm the same. The first time through a series, for me, is about watching + enjoying. Second/ third/etc. time through is when I start piecing together notes and a general shrine narrative, if I'm serious about making a dedication.

Does that make sense? :heh:

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:23 pm
by Todd
Shiori: Yep! Plus it makes sense to go back through it, as you'll be informing people about the subject and should have a good understanding of it.

I guess I didn't answer all of Destinie's question. If there are two characters I really like from one series and would like to shrine, a lot of factors go into helping me decide which one I shrine. 1) I think about which one I have the most to say about. If I like a character and come up with nothing when it's time to analyze him or her, he or she may not be the best subject. 2) I look at the community dedicated to the subject. If I am torn between Character A and Character B, and Character A already has a shrine or ten, and Character B has none, I'll go with Character B.

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:13 am
by Ava
Pre-existing shrines are a factor to be considered for me as well. It's a factor that is weighed lightly, compared to the many other factors in deciding who/what to shrine, but it still affects me. If I can fill in a void in a certain fandom's community, it provides a lot of motivation.

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:14 am
by Saya
I just noticed I haven't answered a question:
But say you have two really awesome characters you like? How do you pick which you make a shrine to? Or do you do both (or all) of them?
Hum,... in xxxholic I actually decided to do 4 characters from that series, Yuuko that is already finished, Mugetsu, that is my MCS and well in the making are Watanuki and Doumeki. I find that I will have stuff to say about them, and everything. I'm still contemplating if uniting those two under the same url would be the best. =)

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:41 am
by Shiori
Saya wrote:I just noticed I haven't answered a question:
Me too, I suck.
But say you have two really awesome characters you like? How do you pick which you make a shrine to? Or do you do both (or all) of them?
It depends on how strongly I feel about a character, but also how much I have to say about them. My favourite character from a series might not be the one that I'd necessarily have a lot to write about. That was the case when I chose making a site to Reina from Witchblade over the heroine, Masane. While Masane was my favourite character initially, I found Reina's role (limited though it was) to be quite interesting. In the end I felt more confident in my ability to explore Reina than I did in my ability to explore Masane. That's just one example though lol.

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:06 pm
by Aku
Ava wrote:Pre-existing shrines are a factor to be considered for me as well. It's a factor that is weighed lightly, compared to the many other factors in deciding who/what to shrine, but it still affects me. If I can fill in a void in a certain fandom's community, it provides a lot of motivation.
I feel like this is a good point! XD To be honest, I haven't really run into this problem as most of the things I've created shrines for didn't even have any shrines existing within the series themselves to begin with, but I do feel like it's a bit of a deterring factor at times. I too am often motivated by knowing that creating a shrine for something nonexistent will "fill a void", or even inspire others to create more shrines to other characters in the same series.

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:33 pm
by Kibumie
When I started shrining, I already knew which character I would shrine for. It's like I started shrining because of that character. *cough Edward* It also didn't affect that decision with the fact that that specific character have also existing shrines. I just made one to gratify myself and to challenge me. I guess. :yay:

Afterwards, I just made a list of characters that I also have a lot of things to say about or something like a connection with. :blush:

If I like two characters at the same level, I would make shrines for both of them.

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:09 am
by Kula
How do you decide what characters you make a shrine for? Or what series, for that matter. Do you pick or does it come innately to you?

I generally make lists and lists of things I would like to do--mostly to things I really like and end up obsessed with to the point I want to know everything. But I need to admit that the only shrine I have up right now (I have other that's actually in the works since... long ago lol) was born from a very casual conversation on aim with Aku so... I could dare to say that I'm a pretty spontaneous person.

But say you have two really awesome characters you like? How do you pick which you make a shrine to? Or do you do both (or all) of them?

I think I would do a shrine to both eventually... and even use ridiculous methods to choose which one first (like

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:26 am
by Mikari
A subject that I like and have enough to say about. I haven't been shrining of my own innitiative anymore, but Amassment events really help. 2 of my 4 shrines were made for events and another was inspired by Amassment in general and its members.

Re: How do you decide what you make a shrine to?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:21 am
by Sarah
How do you decide what characters you make a shrine for? Or what series, for that matter. Do you pick or does it come innately to you?
Sometimes I think they decide me. I just get this feeling inside that says "I want to shrine him/her/it." So in that sense it is more of an innate thing, I think. Chizu is a good example of that. As I was reading KnT, still early on in the series, I got this urge to make a shrine for her. It wasn't even like I decided on it, more like I just felt I had to do it. And I did want to, so it wasn't like my mind forcing me to make a shrine, lol. But still, there are times when I have decided on something and it's been a decision-making process. Overall, I have to really, really love the character AND know that I can say enough about them to make a shrine that is worthwhile.

I hope that answered the question(s). :ack2:

But say you have two really awesome characters you like? How do you pick which you make a shrine to? Or do you do both (or all) of them?
I would do both of them. But I would have to prioritize and decide which one to do first, because it takes me a long time to make even one shrine. So whichever one I choose to do first I would probably have to feel more motivated to work on at the time. I guess that's obvious though :dot: