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Re: Dynamic pages in PHP

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:40 am
by Mikari
Let me know if it works. :D

Re: Dynamic pages in PHP

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:34 pm
by Destinie
Are you thinking of something done in AJAX? I wanted to do something similar recently where I didn't need to copy and paste my template includes on each page and wanted to see if I could just make an ajax call to include the content but I am not that familiar with it. :(

I am also curious to know how Mikari's script works out...

And never look for answer on stackoverflow OMG I SWEAR. I browse for work sometimes and it kills me how Holier-Than-Thou these people are. It's just a simple question, answer if it you can and leave the snark at the door! /guh

Re: Dynamic pages in PHP

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:34 pm
by dubiousdisc
I actually did use Mikari's idea, it's just that the site in question isn't ready yet so I don't have anything to show. It also had to be expanded a lot to the purposes of this site so right now it's all a bit confusing. When it's ready I will show you :D

I try to avoid! But sometimes I just want to know and I can't help but look and then I regret it 8(

Re: Dynamic pages in PHP

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:01 pm
by Robin
Offtopic: Thirded on the StackOverflow argh. While looking through my domain linkbacks a few months ago, there was one from StackOverflow, referencing one of my explanation images from a webdesign post I did. The ensuing commentary pretty much ripped me a new one as a "hopeless amateur," "oh, it's a GIRL writing/making this of course it sucks," and all sorts of other elitist crap.

Much butthole. Many nose in the air. Such need to strangle. Wowww.

Ontopic: Glad to hear the script is working! Looking forward to the awesomeness! :D

Re: Dynamic pages in PHP

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:07 pm
by dubiousdisc
*growls and hisses*

(Thank you though! It's not ready because now that the code is mostly there, the actual picture gallery with all the descriptions needs to be worked on, heh. But SOON!)

Re: Dynamic pages in PHP

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:53 pm
by Mikari
Looking forward to seeing it *cheers for you*

Re: Dynamic pages in PHP

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:56 pm
by Sofia
CuriousLittleBird wrote:Offtopic: Thirded on the StackOverflow argh.
Fourthed (LOL is that even a word? XD) on StackOverflow. All the expert coders/programmers/designers/etc…out there should remind themselves that everybody starts as a beginner and that replies should go beyond the usual "google is your friend".

Back on there was this girl who kept making fun of sites with basic php tutorials, mocked their owners, and even sent them pants awards or something like that. While I agreed those sites weren't good, I hated the snotty attitude and pointless critics.

Back on topic now…be sure to post the link when you're done, dubs! I'm curious to see the finished result :)