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Re: Overwatch

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:38 pm
by Aku

My favorites to play are McCree and Reaper!! :heart: I've played support/healer all my online gaming life so I tried REALLY HARD not to do it in OW just to force myself to learn new things, but in all honesty OW is one of the few games where I actually really enjoy all the roles/characters and am happy to fill in the gap. I'd love to play with more Amassment members too! EMILY IS A GOOD JUNKRAT SHE'LL CARRY US ALL, DW. :heart: :heart: :heart:

I am also a really big OW lore junkie and love all the little animated shorts that Blizzard puts out/dote on every single new voice line. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ Last year I was actually working on a Shimada Bros. shrine, but I put it aside for awhile to work on my CZ project. (I'll get back to it. ;;) But you know... if you ever need someone to scream at about GENJI'S CUTE NEW VOICE LINES I'm always around. :eyes:

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:32 pm
by Sophia
-waves- In the spirit of productivity buddies, if any of y'all feel like playing at the same time and don't mind that I'm a super ultra newb to Overwatch, I would LOVE to play more.

BATTLETAG: quidprocrow#1130

I played the first week it was released because I am a burly girl of Russian descent so I was like #ZARYA4LIFE, and then got intimidated after a few weeks - something about feeling like real people were seeing my mistakes unnerved me.

In my very limited experience, I enjoy Zarya, Mercy, Mei, and D.Va. There's nothing like throwing D.Va's shield up and cackling while you boost into a crowd of AI's, Mei's surprise icicle healing delights me (if I still haven't gotten the hang of throwing walls in good places), I love zipping in the air as Mercy, and I love rolling my r's with Zarya and going OORRRAAAAH when I charge in with a shield.