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Member Marathon Rules

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:42 pm
by Robin
Member Marathon Rules

Some of our most popular events here at Amassment have been suggested and organized by members (such as the Guestbook Revival Project, the Fruits Basket Shrine Marathon, and the Badass Bitches Challenges. You might just have the next great marathon idea--so, if you have an idea for an event you want to run, don't wait!

All we ask is that you message our Events Lead, Robin, first to make sure there are no officially planned Amassment events coming up that would be too similar or run at the same time. Depending on the concept and scope of your event, we can also set you up with a subforum after talking things through. We want to make sure everybody's events run happily together!

(Also, member marathons don't have to be just about the content of a shrine--layout marathons like the ones we used to have back on the Amassment Livejournal would be great too! Check out the Classical Elements and LOVE! Marathon for some ideas on layout events you could possibly run.)