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Animals of Farthing Wood/Watership Down shrine

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:23 am
by isavarg
It has been ages since I posted here, but I've not forgotten about the site at all! (Those Star Wars projects have been put on the back burner, by the way, if anyone remembers those.)

I was a fan of these long before I ever made any fan sites, mainly because at the time the internet wasn't readily available to people. I wanted a break from Star Wars because of all the criticism that the current creators and actors are experiencing and the vitriol that Legends fans get because they prefer that, so I've started making this -

I don't expect to get much interest in it, but that doesn't really matter when it comes to creating a shrine or fan site just as long as the person making the site loves it. I decided to go with neocities because it's free (and, I think a good learning zone for people wanting to learn how to code with both html and css because the index page when you make an account is set up so you can see how it works - folks still have to track down which codes they need, but it's a big step up from when I was messing around with geocites in the early 2000s.)

Re: Animals of Farthing Wood/Watership Down shrine

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:04 am
by Andi
Oh! I love these animal stories, great that someone created a shrine for them :)
Beautiful and soothing layout, too.
I am reading now and enjoy a lot :)

Re: Animals of Farthing Wood/Watership Down shrine

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 2:56 pm
by Robin
Oh wow, this is a great site! I vaguely remember reading Watership Down when I was a kid, but I didn't know about the Animals of Farthing Wood series--both look super cute <3 Kind of reminds me of Brian Jacques' Redwall series a bit, too!