Little Bits 2018

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Little Bits 2018

Post by Robin »

Little Bits 2018

Hello and welcome to the renaissance of Little Bits activities!

Why does this event exist? Because sometimes it's SO difficult to get started on big website projects, even if you really love the subject matter. Sometimes it just feels way too daunting to even open the site files in the first place because every task feels SO HUGE. And sometimes, having large events where you feel like you need to complete so many huge tasks in order to have "participated" can make that dread worse.

That's where Little Bits comes in. For the remainder of February and all through March, choose one of the following tiny tasks to do and post in this topic letting us know what you've chosen. (If you like, you may choose additional tasks and complete them, too, but no pressure!)

Little Bits Tasks
- Make 3 new buttons
- Check for typos on a page
- Check affiliates/link exchanges on one website
- Make 3 icons, avatars, social media graphics, etc.
- Outline one new content page
- Check all links on one website
- Create graphics for a new layout
- Make a fanwork to add to a site
- Edit one existing content page

During this event, there will be a separate topic where you can post links to your finished task(s). After the event ends, we'll do a big ole wrapup post with all links and participants honored. Come join us as we battle the website doldrums!

TL;DR Event Details
- Event Duration: Feb. 26th - March 31st
- Signups: anytime between those dates
- Tasks Needed to Participate: 1
- Additional Entries: welcome!
~ a dream is a wish your heart makes ~
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